Sunday, July 28, 2019

Why was there a Second World War so Soon After the First Essay

Why was there a Second World War so Soon After the First - Essay Example From this study it is clear that from a realist perspective, it is in the normal aspectual realm to assume that because France was so depleted economically and politically, the feeling was one of a sense of hopelessness throughout that country.   Therein lies the reasoning by France to demand some form of compensation from Germany in order to regroup and rebuild her lands.   The compromises that France wished Germany to make were beyond rationalization, from the Germans perspective of the political issues.   The supposed peace ‘The Treaty of Versailles’ was implied to have brought did nothing more than incite rage and fuel the flames of retaliation from the Germans.  This paper outlines that there never really was a period of substantial rest between these historic wars.   What did appear to be present, in the literary sense, was a prevalence of disdain and lack of trust from the Germans, in relation to France and her harsh implications. This lack of stability affected the whole European continent.   These are some of the literary points that will be researched and theorized in this paper.   It will look into the vast reasons why there was a part II of the first World War and what was the main factors leading to it.   Three perspectives will be attempted to be intertwined into this literary work which are the: realistic, liberal, and Marxist theorizations that will give the causes as to how, why and what lead to the provocation of the Second World War.... d into this literary work which are the: realistic, liberal, and Marxist theorizations that will give the causes as to how, why and what lead to the provocation of the Second World War. If the First World War was "the war to end all wars" why was there a Second World War so soon after the First It was in 1946 that two main political speaker's theorizations on the cause of WWII were openly acknowledged. Stalin and Churchill both had ideas into the causation of the Second World War, both holding similarities and differences at the same time. Perhaps this was due to one perspective being a UK one and the other representative of an American view point. Stalin's is cited as follows: It would be incorrect to think that the war arose accidentally or as a result of the faultof some of the statesmen. Although, these faults did exist, the war arose in reality asthe inevitable result of the development of the world economic and political forces onthe basis of monopoly capitalism (Snell 1962: p. vii). It would seem that this idea by Stalin is more of a realist type of perception and is duly focused on the very real circumstances that had a major impact in starting the second phase of WWI. Now, Churchills' existentialist type of view leans the blame of WWII almost entirely on the actions of the Germans and their Nazi beliefs at that specific era of time. His statement into the deciding factor of the cause is cited below: There never was a war in all history easier to prevent by timely action than the one which has just desolated such great areas of the globe. It could have been prevented without the firing of a single shot but no one would listen and one by one we were all sucked into the awful whirlpool. We surely must

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