Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My favorite quotation of St. Augustine

The world is a book and those who do non travel read only ace page. ? Augustine of Hippo. This was my favourite quotation of St. Augustine, done my high take years we are taught roughly his life, journeys and teachings. I cause live a Augustinian life, being a assistant of Christ he is the unmatched behind all(a) of my success and failures. I may not be one of the trump out students from my batch that at least once I have turn up that I give my best.Yes, I have turn up myself and before that happens I almost failed, lost go for and even give up just fearlessness to prove myself become my persuasion for not enceinte up to strive all the success in education and in life. A teacher told me about inventing or improving a scientific investigative excogitate, which me and my group mates once studied and improve. bandage doing this we struggle searching for parts and materials we need to spot our product. Its almost two workweeks before the deadline unless there is st ill a part of our project missing.We almost lost our hope submitting our project but yet my classmate broke her calculator and weve strand the exact material that we need to complete this project. later on inserting the material needed, finally it worked. Then, we have a week to finish the paper and ask virtually spate to react about our said project. Some questioned it and some thought that it was amazing and good because we can change magnitude the use of electricity and benefit the solar warmheartedness from the sun.On the day of the submission we have to compositors case our teacher and defend our product made, who would thought that weve got the highest sucker among the class and have the chance to compete in the congress? We never did, it was one of the successful moments for me in my secondary level. In the science congress, we tried our best to get, impress the judges and encourage the audience to promise our product and vote for it. Our competitors also has cool, different and originative inventions or innovations.Though we never succeeded on to win the science congress, I still felt pleasure and contented just by submitting our project and acquire those grades. This is one accomplishment, I think I had not because Ive got a high grade, but because I have work on it hard and launch everything in it creative and different. I want to achieve more, and I think by entering the University this insane asylum will help me gain more achievement and train me more to become creative.I could recite also that it is not just pure creative thinking that we need in order to finish one project, it could also be team work. Life could be a poser road to travel through but if we dont face the tough road we can never extend our talents and creativity. Our day to day experience is a daily lesson we must understand. We may give up but we can never achieve success if we intimately loose hope.

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