Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Philosophy In The Matrix Movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Philosophy In The Matrix Movies - Essay Example The Matrix movies explore Plato’s idea of reality as an illusion, particularly depicted in his â€Å"Allegory of the Cave.† In this literary work, a cave of people imprisoned in a distinct manner since conception is Plato’s depiction of this illusion. In this allegory, one prisoner escapes the imprisonment after being illuminated and liberated concurrently. This particular prisoner’s experience metaphorically indicates the procedure by which humans seldom free themselves from reality’s misconceptions and superficiality (Lawrence, 2004). In Enter   The Matrix, the matrix pulls Neo from a sort of cave from where he gets a glimpse of the truth about reality for the first time in his life. This experience makes him realize that everything he believed to be real was, in fact, an illusion, just like the prisoners in Plato's allegory. Plato adds that people who liberate themselves are obliged to tell the rest who are still in the â€Å"cave.†    In the first Matrix film, Neo fulfills this derivative when he makes it his priority to save humankind from ignorance and credulity.The Matrix movies explore Plato’s idea of reality as an illusion, particularly depicted in his â€Å"Allegory of the Cave.†   In this literary work, a cave of people imprisoned in a distinct manner since conception is Plato’s depiction of this illusion. In this allegory, one prisoner escapes the imprisonment after being illuminated and liberated concurrently.

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