Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Trench warfare

World War I occurred in the years 1914-1918. The following countries were involved in Trench Warfare; Britain, France, and Germany. Trench warfare was a common form of battle on the Western Front during World War 1. Trench warfare is a military operation in which the soldiers fight from protected ditches. At the beginning of August 1 914, soldiers had a positive attitude going off to war. They thought they were going to have a fun adventure. However, everything did not go as they planned.There were many casualties as well as deaths. Shell shock was a common condition that caused trauma on these soldiers. Their hands shock and their eyes twitched. Some could not even hear or speak. Some screamed and shivered violently when guns were fired. If guilty Of cowardice, they were shot by a firing squad. Soldiers used gas attacks and machine guns as well as artillery. The machine guns fired 8 bullets a second. They even made up a theory behind charging towards enemy trenches and machine guns. The theory was that if enough soldiers charged, then no matter how many were killed or wounded on the way, there loud be still be enough men alive to capture the machine guns in the enemy trenches. Daily life was monotonous and often very dull. It involved the cleaning and inspection of weapons; the removal of dead and wounded from trenches and no man's land; the transfer of supplies, food rations and new equipment; observing enemy activity and movement; repairing barbed wire defenses; delousing of uniforms. Infantry soldiers spent much of their time digging new trenches or repairing old ones.They carted supplies and equipment up and own communication trenches. They spent long hours on sentry duty or in secret listening posts near the enemy trenches. Sappers also helped dug tunnels below enemy trenches and placed huge mines there. Trench positions became formidable fortresses with barbed wire belts, tens of yards deep in front of them with concrete shelters and emplacements often be low ground level. They generally formed zigzag patterns to help protect the trench against enemy attack. Fire steps and scaling ladders enabled troops to go over the top.Other than all of this, it was muddy and had a bad stench of dead bodies. The trenches were a place full of disease, a part played largely by the rats. Rats in their millions infested trenches. There were two main types, the brown and the black rat. Both were despised but the brown rat was especially feared. This rat could grow up to the size of a cat. Lice caused Trench Fever, a particularly painful disease that began suddenly with severe pain followed by high fever. Recovery, away from the trenches, took up to ;level weeks.Also, Ross by the score were found in shell holes covered in water. Trench Foot was an infection in the foot. Due to muddy conditions, the soldiers always got this. It was caused by exposure to damp conditions for more than half day. Men were expected to keep their feet warm and dry. Soldiers we re paired and responsible for the feet of the other. 3 pairs of socks were given to change regularly. In conclusion, trench warfare had a big impact on our heroes today. With all the conditions, they were still able to defend for our country.

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