Sunday, October 13, 2019

Life Is Difficult :: essays research papers

Feburary 24th, 2004 two days beffore my first draft is due. For my personal essay. I've chose number 3 for my question but how do i many people I look up to and so many lessons learned. Walked in the door of my Grandmother's house, it was cold you could feel the chill go down your spine and the goose bumps forming on your arms. My mom had dropped me off. It had only been five mintues and i already missed her. Do I miss her cause she's the only one on my side that knows how I am feeling or is it because she's going away for vacation? Well my mom is gone she had planned for my uncle Dave to pick me up for the next two weeks aand my god mother would pick me up the two following weeks after. But there was a misunderstanding with my aunt obviously. She had asked me who was going to drive me for the first two days of school. She has told me my mother said Dave was, so of course I told her that Dave was. My grandmother had decided for us to call Dave and make sure what was going on. I was like whatever I dont mind because theirs nothing wrong with making sure. Time had passed, dinner had been served. Me and my aunt had already been on bad terms since I was young. Anyways lets get back to what i was saying. Nine o' clock has hit just doing what I have to do in my room by myself. It got closwer and closer...time. The later it got the worse things would get. I could feel it in my heart something bad was going to happend to me. Bump bump bump..BOOM! Someone swings my door open. Already i knew somethings wrong. By the teffifying look on her face. Then she apporached me in a hoarse tone of voice saying "Go to bed". I said to her in a very calm voice and said "Welll its only nine thirty and i dont go to bed until ten thirty". The voice got even more demanding "As long your in this house you sleep at nine thirty". I had said nothing, afarid I would make things worse. She asked has my mother left on the plane yet. I said "No I had jus got of the phone with her".

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