Thursday, October 31, 2019

Favorite ad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Favorite ad - Essay Example Not even a piece of paper brought by the wind across the barrier from one side (nation) is admissible in the other side (nation) and is quickly thrown back to its original side. However, there is a marked difference in the response of the other soldier when one soldier goes to his shelter and takes a cold coke to quench his thirst. Equally thirsty, the second soldier longs for a drink and the first one offers one. The problem that, however, exists is that the boundaries are so strictly manned that not even a hand can stretch beyond one’s territory and across the borderline. The first soldier places one bottle of coke on the ground at the borderline. Because of the Coke, the soldier with the offer draws his sword making the other think that he is instigating a tussle. However, the first soldier’s intention is to redraw the borderline to allow the other soldier pick the coke. The second soldier accepts the coke and the two happily enjoy a drink for a brief moment forgetting that they are on strict duty to man the border point. The advert features a harsh environment with the setting being that of a desert. Given such a setting and the hostile relationship that initially exists between the two soldiers, the theme of the ad matches the environment as the Coke shared creates happiness in an evidently harsh environment. The ad originally features an adversarial environment with two stern looking soldiers. When the product being advertised comes into the scene, there is a marked change in how the two interact; boundaries are redrawn and happiness takes center stage. In this sense, there is a match between the ad personality and the product. While the advert is captivating right from the start, the most interesting part of it is where the real adversaries, highly suspicious of each other get to bend the rules and redraw boundaries to enjoy the coke together forgetting

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