Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Three perspectives of transgenderism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Three perspectives of transgenderism - Essay Example This essay "Human Sexuality" analyzes three perspectives of transgenderism on the basis of the William A Henkin's article. The biological perspective of sexuality brings to the fore, the physiology and anatomy. According to Denman Chess (2004), the above two disciplines decide the aspects of human sexual experience and they can be termed as sexual anatomy and physiology as well as evolutionary theory in the case of transgendered individuals. The sexual experiences in transgendered individuals are much more complex than normal gendered people as there is sex change in the person. Even the normal gender person’s categorization of sex is complex in biological perspective, it is more complex and conflicting in the case of transgendered individuals as chromosomal sex, hormonal status and internal sexual organs as well as external sexual organs change after the change of sex. According to biological perspective, the gender is determined by presence of chromosomes and presence only X chromosomes gives a female gender and presence of both X and Y chromosomes results in a male gender. Hence, in both male and female genders, the chromosome is present and Y is not present in female gender. In the above sense, the female gender dominates biologically and the effects of chromosomal make-up. However, the chromosomal sex has a social function that is a result of biological activities. The biological activities result in hormonal influences to determine the development of sexual activities and they are different in various males and females. That means, the sexual characteristics and the expression of male and female characteristics depend on the hormones released in the body of a person. For example, the genotypic males develop into externally phenotypic females due to constitutional insensitivity of the tissues. These developments can help in changing the gender of a person physically. The above aspect results in transgendered individuals. 1 The Psychological Perspective The transgendered individuals are result of transgendering, which is due to erasing, substituting, concealing and implying of gender and sexuality. Hence, transgendering can be termed as redefining and remake up of gender of a person. This results in psychological changes that is not a part of biological make up and needs counseling in some cases. Ekins Richard (2006) quotes that the gender change results in an atmosphere of new goals as the male and female thinking is different. Ekins Richard quotes Merton's theory of deviating from norms to serve his own interests can be observed in the transgendered individual. This results in a natural attitude that claims 'disinterested purpose' in case of transgendered ind

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