Monday, August 26, 2019

A scary time to raise a child Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A scary time to raise a child - Research Paper Example While offering nourishment and ensuring that a child does not starve is a major issue when it comes to parenting because it is another mouth to feed in the household, it can be difficult. There are other scary factors to also face when it comes to raise a child which can be deemed as scary. A person may not have time to be a good parent, there is an environment that is intimidating to bring another human into and changing habits in order to raise a child may also be difficult. To raise a child is not as easy as what some people may have expected due to some of the hazards in the world today where there are always situations to fear and worry about. Many times parents do not have time to raise their child. This could be because children are often being raised in single parent homes and there is a lack of people to provide care giving. Parents may be used to being on their own schedule, struggling to make ends meet to pay bills and to afford personal needs for food, shelter and clothing just for themselves. Children are expensive and require a lot of time and nurturing so that they will grow up to become members of society that can grow and prosper. Due to constant demands of the pressure from a present job or from trying to find a job, parents cannot ensure to be fully responsible to their child. They often require daycare or babysitters to help them raise their child until the child is old enough to attend school. As a result of this, they may have less time to pay attention to their childs growth and development which can be detrimental to the child. Most children are also out of school during the summer and while their parents are at work, they are left to be cared for by someone else. As a parent, one has to assume that the babysitter or daycare workers are trustworthy and reliable. The ideal situation is where parents can be flexible so that they can balance work and family responsibilities. Some parents are finding that workplaces

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