Saturday, May 25, 2019

Dreaming Time Essay

Whens the last time you dreamed? In fact, the last time remainder occurred is the correct answer. approximately people believe that they dont dream, only because these man-to-mans cant recall ideate as an event. In J. Allan Hob male childs book, Dreaming, it explores how dreaming is influenced and how it affects the individual, how dreaming is associated with rapid eye movement (Rapid Eye front man) sopor and the importance of it, and overly why sleep is so essential for human beings and other mammals to experience. Sleep is correlated with dreaming, making dreaming a phenomenon essential to living.Dreaming is an interesting subject, and may also seem interesting while happening though many dont call in the events at heart them. What is dreaming, some ane might ask? Dreaming is basically the brains activation throughout the sleep cycle. This was not discovered from looking at the centre of the dream, like many of us look forward to, such as the images and scenarios our mind creates but instead a more formalistic approach on the strike of dreams.By using more scientific methods to analyze and define the dreaming state, research has improved drastically over several years, however, it failed to become an genuine science. My consciousness is as clear as a bell. In fact, I seeand feeleverything in this dream with a surreal intensity (Hobson 25.) In this quote given by the author, he was describing how he had felt during the dream he shargond within the text. People who atomic number 18 interested in the issue of dreams should read this book, as Hobson gives away a few logs in his own dreaming journal. Hobson mentioned how he had felt as if imagining the dream were actually happening because it seemed so vividly clear. In fact, so clear it seemed like reality.His dream was near a red auto smashing into a wall, and then finding himself with his sons bloodied knees and all in a locker room. He associated this vision with his son previously being in a car accident, where indeed the car was red, and his son did infact have a damaged leg. Events that happened prior to the dream may affect the meaning within the sleeping hallucination. Night terrors or nightmares may also have this same effect on the dreamer. These kind of dreaming states can be associated with traumatic events in ones bearing. This may cause an effect on the individual to get caught up in this unpleasant scenario and result in awakening. Dreams may also be affected through external interference. In a sleep lab, using certain smells, scientists jump started the patients to experience a specific smell in the dreaming state. There are many factors that can affect the dreaming state an individual experiences.The factors that affect the dreaming state of an individual are also internally significant. Not that dreaming occurs exclusively in rapid eye movement sleep. It doesnt. paradoxical sleep sleep just happens to provide the most ideal condition for its occurrence. (Hobson 38.) Through this quote provided by Hobson, he is saying that through Rapid Eye Movement (rapid eye movement) sleep, dreaming is most ideal and this is a common time for dreaming to occur. If someone wants to learn about this certain subject of dreaming, they should consider read the content of this book. Dreaming is important such as REM sleep is to daily exercise, because both are essentially linked to each other. REM sleep takes dwelling house at about 90 minute intervals throughout a sleep cycle, fetching up to two hours per night. This kind of deep sleep is essential as it is necessary for development. It is known that at infancy an individual needs much more REM sleep rather than in adults. This makes sense because at this little of age is when the most development occurs. With this statement, it does not mean that as aging occurs that REM sleep isnt necessary because throughout life development is an ongoing process. As early as at 30 weeks gestation does the fet us develop the ability of REM sleep.Although dreaming is associated mainly with this specific type of sleep, does not say whether fetuses, infants, or even animals dream as it can only be confirmed vocally by the individual. It is only assumed through system movements and facial expressions, such as when a baby frowns or a dog may run in their sleep for example, that dreaming is an occurring event. A study also found that in children, REM sleep happened right away in the sleep cycle of a child, but the same not truthful for adults. Although dreaming is commonly taken for the misconception that one does not dream entirely altogether, it is at the fault of no recall whatsoever. In sleep lab studies, when one is woken at the time that REM sleep happens to be occurring, it is more likely for the participant to remember their dream linking mainly REM sleep to the state of dreaming, rather than NREM sleep or right before awakening.Now that it is safe to say that dreaming is associated w ith REM sleep, can we confront the question of why its so important to be in that deep state of sleeping. As mentioned before, REM sleep is essential to development in an individual. To read, to write, to listen, and to tell, I need a good nights sleep. And, recognizing that fact, I try my best to get it. (Hobson 79.) Even represented in this quote from Hobson does he express the importance of sleep. A lot of people dont realize the beneficial aspects of a good nights rest, and people should read this book as to gain insight about it. REM sleep helps regulates thermoregulation, which is a necessity for the the body in order to survive. REM sleep also stores important memories and content, throws away old stuff, makes room for the novel stuff, and keeps us from going crazy in reality by doing so in our dreams. In many studies, analysis shows the link between lack of REM sleep and daily performance.In a rat study, they deprived rats of their REM sleep, results showing that their ther moregulation was rancid balance and they hurdled to the warmest corner of their living areas. They also eventually died off from infection due to the lack of their ability to properly function. In other tests, they deprived humans of their REM sleep as well and there are reports of individuals going insane after 72 hours straight because they were denied the ability to go crazy, as you could say, in a dreaming state. After so gigantic without this sleep may an individual start to hallucinate. In other studies, people were put to test by recording their performance on a game. When they had first play it they had all improved on it, but after going to sleep, which only half of them got REM sleep, the half that didnt get it tended not to improve or decrease in skill, while the half that got a good nights rest improved in skill.These studies all show that REM sleep is obviously assign on daily performance and overall health necessary for survival. So the question is, how much sleep i s considered adequate enough? That has many factors on its own, from climate, social customs, and even by an individuals personal experience. No amount of sleep is considered not to be normal as it varies from person to person. There are ill-judged sleepers (4-6 hours) and both long sleepers (8-10 hours). Time for sleep fluctuates, such as weight does, and some can go on very little sleep and function very well, while others go on lots of sleep while still not yet at their performance peak. The body and mind are both miraculous systems, and can compensate very well for themselves, but without adequate time spent sleeping, an individual may not function as well as they would normally refreshed.So many people take sleep for granted, as do so many others go throughout life not recalling their dreams, and even some living in a nightmare all their own, waking in terror. The science of sleep has come a long way since it was first discovered, and it is sure to develop substantially more o ver the course of time. Knowing what dreaming is, how it is affected and how it affects a single person, how dreaming relates to REM sleeping, and knowing the importance of dreaming to an individual mammal, are we then allowed to incorporate that knowledge into ones own life. A way to apply this teaching to my own life may be figuring how much sleep is adequate for myself each night in order to function to the best of my ability, and to remember subject and test material at a more favorable level. This application appears satisfactory to myself as it may seem to many other individuals, taking the study of this subject matter not just into consideration, but also appreciation.Works CitedHobson, J. Allan. Dreaming An introduction to the science of sleep. New York Oxford UP, 2002. Print.

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