Friday, May 31, 2019

DNA Fingerprinting :: Technology, Science

desoxyribonucleic acid FingerprintingIt is widely known that each individual has a DNA profile as unique as a fingerprint. Actually, over 99% of all 3 billion nucleotides in human DNA which we inherit from each p bent are identical among all individuals. However, for every 1000 nucleotides that we inherit there is 1 site of variation or polymorphism, in the population. These      DNA polymorphisms change the length of the DNA fragments produced by the digestion of restriction enzymes . The resulting fragments are called restriction fragments length polymorphisms. Gel electrophoresis can be used to separate and determine the size of the RFLPs. The exact telephone number and size of fragments produced by a specific restriction enzyme digestion varies from individual to individual.      DNA fingerprinting has proved valuable, not only for convicting felons and exonerating the innocent, but also for establishing maternity or paternity and proving family relationships. More exotic uses include the identification of missing children in Argentina, soldiers killed in war, and even the body of Nazi physician Joseph Mengele, the so-called "Angel of Death."The elan it started          The fundamental techniques involved in genetic fingerprinting were discovered serendipitously in 1984 by geneticist Alec J. Jeffreys of the University of Leicester in Great Britain while he was studying the gene for myoglobin, a protein that stores oxygen in muscle cells. He found that the myoglobin gene contains many segments that vary in size and composition from individual to individual and that have no apparent function. Jeffrey called these segments minisatellites because they were small and they surround the part of the gene that actually serves as a genetic bluprint.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Poseidon :: essays research papers

Poseidon is a god of many names. He is most celebrated as the god of the sea. The son of Cronus and Rhea, Poseidon is one of six siblings who eventually "divided the power of the world." His brothers and sisters include Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and genus genus Zeus. The division of the universe come to him and his brothers, Zeus and Hades. Poseidon became ruler of the sea, Zeus ruled the sky, and Hades got the underworld. The other divinities attributed to Poseidon involve the god of earthquakes and the god of horses. The symbols associated with Poseidon include dolphins, tridents, and three-pronged fish spears. Poseidon was relied upon by sailors for a safe voyage on the sea. Many custody drowned horses in sacrifice of his honor. He lived on the ocean floor in a palace made of coral and gems, and drove a chariot pulled by horses. However, Poseidon was a very moody divinity, and his temperament could sometimes result in violence. When he was in a good mood, Poseidon created new lands in the water and a calm sea. In contrast, when he was in a bad mood, Poseidon would strike the ground with a trident and cause unruly springs and earthquakes, ship wrecks, and drownings. Poseidon was similar to his brother Zeus in exerting his power on women and in objectifying masculinity. He had many slam affairs and fathered numerous children. Poseidon once married a Nereid, Amphitrite, and produced Triton who was half-human and half-fish. He similarly impregnated the Gorgon Medusa to conceive Chrysaor and Pegasus, the flying horse. The rape of Aethra by Poseidon resulted in the birth of Theseus and he turned Caeneus into a man, at her request, after raping her. Another rape involved Amymone when she tried to escape from a satyr and Poseidon saved her. Other offspring of Poseidon include Eumolpus, the Giant Sinis, Polyphemus, Orion, King Amycus, Proteus, Agenor and Belus from Europa, Pelias, and the King of Egypt, Busiris. One of the most notorious love affair s of Poseidon involves his sister, Demeter. Poseidon pursued Demeter and to avoid him she turned herself into a mare. In his lust for her, Poseidon transformed himself into a stallion and captured her. Their procreation resulted in a horse, Arion. Poseidon is Greek for " preserve" (possibly of wheat), and therefore it is thought that he and Demeter (goddess of wheat) are a good match because they reign as the god and goddess of fertility.

Saving Private Ryan Historical Review Essay -- essays research papers

Saving Private RyanI chose Saving Private Ryan, the 1998 movie directed by Steven Spielberg about the invasion at Normandy and a special mission that follows, as the topic of my paper. The mission is for eight men to go behind enemy lines and rescue a soldier whos brothers wealthy person died in battle and bring him back.The movie starts with the D-Day invasion at Normandy Beach, a very tragic and great day at the same time. Allied man were being shot the second the landing vehicles opened, mortars were dropping all over, there was no cover, and those who sought refuge in the water were drowned by the weight of their equipment. As all of this happens, we follow members of one unit as they struggle to make their way on shore. Bodies be dropping everywhere, the wounded are piling up, and things are looking down. After intense battle and effort, however, the Allied forces finally take the beach, but not without a high cost of life. From what I know and fix heard about the D-Day inv asion, the movie was very accurate on its portrayal of the attack. The action was so intense at the movie theater I first saw it in that a veteran got up and left for a while because he was crying so bad. I later embed out that he had actually been there and that seeing it so vividly on screen had brought back too many bad memories. If that doesnt transmit realism, I dont know what does. ...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Web-Based Training Verses Instructor-Led Training :: essays research papers

Web-Based Training Verses In my department, we offer two pillow slips of training for automotive dealers. The first type is our Web-Based Training (WBT), and the second is Instructor-Led Training (ILT). These training courses demand many similarities, such as attainment objectives, total content, layout, structure and flow. They differ, however, in how each course is delivered, when the schooling takes place, and the cost of the training.One of the similarities between WBT and ILT is the learning objectives. Regardless of the delivery method, the learning outcomes for the student are the same. Another similarity is the content, which may include textbook, graphics, quizzes, exercises, and tests. Slides comprised of graphics and text that are used to support ILT are the basis for the visuals presented in WBT. The layout, structure and flow of the two courses are also very similar. During both of the courses, information is presented to the student, an application exercise is con ducted, a quiz on the learning module is given. A final summarizing exam is provided after all the learning modules are complete.While WBT and ILT have similarities, they have differences as well. One of these differences is in the way the course is delivered. WBT is offered online, in a multimedia format where the student sits solo in front of a computer and interacts only with the content. ILT takes place in a classroom, where students receive lectures, ask questions of the instructor, and engage in discussions. A further difference is in the learning environment, including when the learning takes place. WBT is held at any time, at any place, on a computer with an internet connection. Not all students learn at the same pace, or at the same time (asynchronous). However, ILT is scheduled, and directed, and class start and end times are based on availability of faculties and instructor. ILT is synchronous and learning takes place concurrently every ace takes it at the same time with a group of people with which they interact (L. Ross, personal communication, June 12, 2003). The WBT version of our course is priced with a one-time registration fee of fifty dollars. The bundles range from one hundred to three hundred dollars in price. The dealer chooses a bundle of three, six, or twelve courses. This is a pricing strategy based on volume, and the more you purchase the more you save. ILT pricing is on a per attendee basis.

Virginia Woolf - Moving Beyond a Convoluted Memory of Her Parents Essay

Virginia Woolf - Moving Beyond a Convoluted Memory of Her ParentsWhy would I start with Julia Duckworth Stephen to know to Virginia Woolf? One answer is Virginias often quoted statement that we think back through our mothers if we are women (Woolf, A Room of Ones Own). Feminism is grow not just in a response to patriarchy but also in the history of females and their treatment of each other. Part of feminism is a reevaluation of the value of motherhood.But what does Virginias mother have to do with Virginias writing? I chose to look at the problem of inheritance by beginning with Julias first influences on Virginia, particularly her stories for children. I then move on to portraits of mothers in Virginias novels. This essay is not only about Virginias projection of overcoming the Angel in the House but moving past a confrontational and convoluted memory of a mother, into an orderly, whole picture of females working together.In talking about Virginia Woolf in the context of Julia D uckworth Stephen and feminism, I will start from the beginning of Virginia Stephens life. The idea of Mother is a basic, recognizable concept in probably even the most primitive human cultures. Infants start separation of self and other with the body of Mother, since an infant gains a sense of continuity of be from his or her mothers attention. (Rosenman 12) From this definition of relationship-as-self, an infant finds her existence confirmed by feedback from her mother. In this manner, Julia is the first contact for Virginia with the rest of the world, and with all of womankind. Since Virginia will go on to have most of her important relationships with women, this is an important connection.What kind of connection was it? V... ...pie and Steele, ed. Julia Duckworth Stephen. Syracuse University Press. New York, 1987.Ingram, Heather, ed. Womens Fiction Between the Wars. Virginia Woolf Retrieving the Mother. St. Martins Press. New York, 1998.Johnsen, William. Finding the findVirgin ia Woolf, Modernism, and Feminism. February 28, 2003. http// April 16, 2003.Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Vintage Books. New York, 1996. Rosenmann, Ellen Bayuk. The Invisible Presence Virginia Woolf and the Mother-Daughter Relationship. Louisiana State University Press. Baton Rouge, 1986.Woolf, Virginia. Jacobs Room. Penguin. London, 1992.Mrs. Dalloway. Harcourt Brace. New York, 1981. To The Lighthouse. Harcourt Brace. New York, 1981.A Room of Ones Own. Harcourt Brace. New York, 1981.The Waves. Harcourt Brace. New York, 1981.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Napoleon Essay -- essays research papers

Napoleon was an opportunistic leader whos military genius was unmatched and his political prowess very solid, but his culture of overtaking Europe ended his queen. Napoleon was a powerful military leader who was able to gain the respect and admiration of France through his military victories. He saw the opportunity to be the French leader and jumped at it, but his goal of a unified Europe hurt him. His ego also compete a part in his fall from power in his ill-advised decision to have his brother rule Spain. Napoleons military power was so great that he came close to ruling Europe in its entirety before meeting the end. His rule over France was very successful and he was able to run a country very effectively. He was even able to rule over three or four countries at the aforementioned(prenominal) time very effect...

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza (pronounced /titn its/1 from Yucatec Maya Chichen itsha,2 at the mouth of the well of the Itza) is a large pre-Columbian archaeological site built by the Maya civilization located in the northern center of the Yucatn Peninsula, in the Yucatn state, present-day Mexico.Chichen Itza was a study focal point in the northern Maya lowlands from the Late Classicthrough the Terminal Classic and into the early portion of the Early Postclassic period. The site exhibits a multitude of architectural styles, from what is called Mexicanized and resonant of styles seen in central Mexico to the Puuc style found among the Puuc Maya of the northern lowlands. The presence of central Mexican styles was once thought to have been representative of direct migration or as yet conquest from central Mexico, but most contemporary interpretations view the presence of these non-Maya styles more as the result of cultural diffusion.The ruins of Chichen Itza are federal property, and the sites stewar dship is maintained by Mexicos Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History, INAH). The land under the monuments had been privately-owned until March 29, 2010, when it was purchased by the state of Yucatan.3he Maya name Chichen Itza means At the mouth of the well of the Itza. This come ups fromchi, meaning mouth or edge, and cheen, meaning well. Itz is the name of an ethnic-lineage group that gained political and economic dominance of the northern peninsula. The name is believed to derive from the Maya itz, meaning magic, and (h), meaning water. Itz in Spanish is often translated as Brujas del Agua (Witches of Water) but a moNorthern Yucatn is arid, and the rivers in the interior all run underground. thither are two large, natural sink holes, called cenotes, that could have provided plentiful water year round at Chichen, making it attractive for settlement.Of the two cenotes, the Cenote Sagrado or consecrate Cenote(also variously kno wn as the Sacred Well or Well of Sacrifice), is the most famous. According to post-Conquest sources (Maya and Spanish), pre-Columbian Maya sacrificed objects and human beings into the cenote as a form of faith to the Maya rain god Chaac. Edward Herbert Thompson dredged the Cenote Sagrado from 1904 to 1910, and recovered artifacts of gold, jade,pottery, and incense, as well as human remains.7 A recent study of human remains taken from the Cenote Sagrado found that they had wounds conformable with human sacrifice.8

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Dreaming Time Essay

Whens the last time you dreamed? In fact, the last time remainder occurred is the correct answer. approximately people believe that they dont dream, only because these man-to-mans cant recall ideate as an event. In J. Allan Hob male childs book, Dreaming, it explores how dreaming is influenced and how it affects the individual, how dreaming is associated with rapid eye movement (Rapid Eye front man) sopor and the importance of it, and overly why sleep is so essential for human beings and other mammals to experience. Sleep is correlated with dreaming, making dreaming a phenomenon essential to living.Dreaming is an interesting subject, and may also seem interesting while happening though many dont call in the events at heart them. What is dreaming, some ane might ask? Dreaming is basically the brains activation throughout the sleep cycle. This was not discovered from looking at the centre of the dream, like many of us look forward to, such as the images and scenarios our mind creates but instead a more formalistic approach on the strike of dreams.By using more scientific methods to analyze and define the dreaming state, research has improved drastically over several years, however, it failed to become an genuine science. My consciousness is as clear as a bell. In fact, I seeand feeleverything in this dream with a surreal intensity (Hobson 25.) In this quote given by the author, he was describing how he had felt during the dream he shargond within the text. People who atomic number 18 interested in the issue of dreams should read this book, as Hobson gives away a few logs in his own dreaming journal. Hobson mentioned how he had felt as if imagining the dream were actually happening because it seemed so vividly clear. In fact, so clear it seemed like reality.His dream was near a red auto smashing into a wall, and then finding himself with his sons bloodied knees and all in a locker room. He associated this vision with his son previously being in a car accident, where indeed the car was red, and his son did infact have a damaged leg. Events that happened prior to the dream may affect the meaning within the sleeping hallucination. Night terrors or nightmares may also have this same effect on the dreamer. These kind of dreaming states can be associated with traumatic events in ones bearing. This may cause an effect on the individual to get caught up in this unpleasant scenario and result in awakening. Dreams may also be affected through external interference. In a sleep lab, using certain smells, scientists jump started the patients to experience a specific smell in the dreaming state. There are many factors that can affect the dreaming state an individual experiences.The factors that affect the dreaming state of an individual are also internally significant. Not that dreaming occurs exclusively in rapid eye movement sleep. It doesnt. paradoxical sleep sleep just happens to provide the most ideal condition for its occurrence. (Hobson 38.) Through this quote provided by Hobson, he is saying that through Rapid Eye Movement (rapid eye movement) sleep, dreaming is most ideal and this is a common time for dreaming to occur. If someone wants to learn about this certain subject of dreaming, they should consider read the content of this book. Dreaming is important such as REM sleep is to daily exercise, because both are essentially linked to each other. REM sleep takes dwelling house at about 90 minute intervals throughout a sleep cycle, fetching up to two hours per night. This kind of deep sleep is essential as it is necessary for development. It is known that at infancy an individual needs much more REM sleep rather than in adults. This makes sense because at this little of age is when the most development occurs. With this statement, it does not mean that as aging occurs that REM sleep isnt necessary because throughout life development is an ongoing process. As early as at 30 weeks gestation does the fet us develop the ability of REM sleep.Although dreaming is associated mainly with this specific type of sleep, does not say whether fetuses, infants, or even animals dream as it can only be confirmed vocally by the individual. It is only assumed through system movements and facial expressions, such as when a baby frowns or a dog may run in their sleep for example, that dreaming is an occurring event. A study also found that in children, REM sleep happened right away in the sleep cycle of a child, but the same not truthful for adults. Although dreaming is commonly taken for the misconception that one does not dream entirely altogether, it is at the fault of no recall whatsoever. In sleep lab studies, when one is woken at the time that REM sleep happens to be occurring, it is more likely for the participant to remember their dream linking mainly REM sleep to the state of dreaming, rather than NREM sleep or right before awakening.Now that it is safe to say that dreaming is associated w ith REM sleep, can we confront the question of why its so important to be in that deep state of sleeping. As mentioned before, REM sleep is essential to development in an individual. To read, to write, to listen, and to tell, I need a good nights sleep. And, recognizing that fact, I try my best to get it. (Hobson 79.) Even represented in this quote from Hobson does he express the importance of sleep. A lot of people dont realize the beneficial aspects of a good nights rest, and people should read this book as to gain insight about it. REM sleep helps regulates thermoregulation, which is a necessity for the the body in order to survive. REM sleep also stores important memories and content, throws away old stuff, makes room for the novel stuff, and keeps us from going crazy in reality by doing so in our dreams. In many studies, analysis shows the link between lack of REM sleep and daily performance.In a rat study, they deprived rats of their REM sleep, results showing that their ther moregulation was rancid balance and they hurdled to the warmest corner of their living areas. They also eventually died off from infection due to the lack of their ability to properly function. In other tests, they deprived humans of their REM sleep as well and there are reports of individuals going insane after 72 hours straight because they were denied the ability to go crazy, as you could say, in a dreaming state. After so gigantic without this sleep may an individual start to hallucinate. In other studies, people were put to test by recording their performance on a game. When they had first play it they had all improved on it, but after going to sleep, which only half of them got REM sleep, the half that didnt get it tended not to improve or decrease in skill, while the half that got a good nights rest improved in skill.These studies all show that REM sleep is obviously assign on daily performance and overall health necessary for survival. So the question is, how much sleep i s considered adequate enough? That has many factors on its own, from climate, social customs, and even by an individuals personal experience. No amount of sleep is considered not to be normal as it varies from person to person. There are ill-judged sleepers (4-6 hours) and both long sleepers (8-10 hours). Time for sleep fluctuates, such as weight does, and some can go on very little sleep and function very well, while others go on lots of sleep while still not yet at their performance peak. The body and mind are both miraculous systems, and can compensate very well for themselves, but without adequate time spent sleeping, an individual may not function as well as they would normally refreshed.So many people take sleep for granted, as do so many others go throughout life not recalling their dreams, and even some living in a nightmare all their own, waking in terror. The science of sleep has come a long way since it was first discovered, and it is sure to develop substantially more o ver the course of time. Knowing what dreaming is, how it is affected and how it affects a single person, how dreaming relates to REM sleeping, and knowing the importance of dreaming to an individual mammal, are we then allowed to incorporate that knowledge into ones own life. A way to apply this teaching to my own life may be figuring how much sleep is adequate for myself each night in order to function to the best of my ability, and to remember subject and test material at a more favorable level. This application appears satisfactory to myself as it may seem to many other individuals, taking the study of this subject matter not just into consideration, but also appreciation.Works CitedHobson, J. Allan. Dreaming An introduction to the science of sleep. New York Oxford UP, 2002. Print.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Victimology: Crime and Criminal Victimization

Societys Response to Criminal Victimization Although law-breaking and victimization rates wealthy person steady declined since the early 1990s, societys perception and fear of crime is still very high. Greater participation between community members and local law enforcement is indispensable to help ensure that crime and victimization rates continue to decline. Crime prevention is a concept that can help reduce crime and humanity fear perception. Combating victimization requires a concerted effort between the public and private sectors. The United States is responding to violent crime in various proactive and antiphonal ways.Proactive measures atomic number 18 designed to prevent violence they include community-family action programs, personal protection measures, lifestyle changes, and other crime prevention and security measures designed to depart opportunistic offenders at ones home, business, or other institutional setting. Victimization can non be totally prevented even t he best crime prevention efforts are not guarantees against crime. Reactive responses to victimization include community programs and laws implemented in response to a crime problem.The reactive responses are restorative approaches such as victim compensation and support programs, legislation, and civil justice responses. The restorative programs deal directly with victim assistance, although civil justice is designed to punish those responsible or associated with the victimization. The increase in the purchase in weapons reminds us of the fear many have. Community crime planning and increased security measures are a bouncy part of any crime prevention effort. The 1994 Federal Crime Bill was a significant step in addressing victimization and crime.The best way to check victimization is to address the sources of crime. Reducing victimization also includes awareness of personal risks or avoidance of life styles conductive to crime and victimization. Current victimology studies are p erformed by the World Society of Victimology. This organization does not focus on assigning responsibility to victims. The organization mentions the additional concept of secondary victimization by the cruel justice system for example, a victim of a rape may be forced to recollect the act on the witness stand in front of the judge and jury so that the rape suspect can be convicted.The World Society of Victimology also mentions the role of the victim in the crystalise and restitution of a convicted criminal. Criminal victimization is a frightening and unsettling experience for many Americans. It is unpredictable, largely unpreventable, and often unexpected. Unlike normal life experiences, victimization is not sought out and is never welcomed it is debilitating and demoralizing, and its efforts can often be long-term and difficult to overcome. Victims may be confused, fearful, frustrated, and angry. Becoming a victim of crime is an unpleasant and unwanted life experience at best.The impact of criminal victimization is serious, throwing victims into a state of shock, fear, anxiety, and anger. The emotional, physical, psychological, and financial ramifications of crime can be scourge to victims. Coping with and recovering from victimization are complex processes. Sadly, some victims are never able to do so. Crime victimization can impact an separates ability to perform across a variety of roles, including those related to parenting, confidant relationships, occupational, and social functioning.Much of the available research focuses on changes in functioning among victims of intimate partner violence, with less research devoted to examining the consequences of other crime types on role functioning. I believe that society has responded very well to criminal victimization. They have created programs to help people who have gone through things in life other people dont go through. Society is also change their programs to help patients forget what happened to them . They are finding ways to help prevent victimization.If I were a victim, the programs available would seem a very encouraging hazard to begin my road to recovery. If the society doesnt do anything to help to respond to criminal victimization, there would be a lot more victims in pauperism of help that cant get it because the society doesnt seem to care what happens to their people. I believe that the United States has done everything they can to help either prevent victimization or come up with different programs to help those in need.Not all societies have responded the same to victimization though for example, Russia responds to victimization preferably differently than the U. S. Some people may or may not choose to accept these programs that the society has come up with to help people in need. In my opinion, the society has responded very well to criminal victimization. The sources I used were www. icpsr. umich. edu/icpsrweb/NACJD/NCV, www. ncjrs. gov/criminal_justice2000/vo l_4/04c. pdf, and www. ojp. usdoj. gov/ovc/publications/ /FirstResponseGuidebook.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Analyse the gulling scene of Benedict in regards to comedy Essay

The gulling scene of benedict is Shakespeares exploration of trickery and deception. The way in which deception and incommode are presented in the scene results in the comedy through Benedicts exaggerated reaction physically and in seventh cranial nerve expression as well as in the whole scene we are in on the joke. The only reason for the deception in the scene paying off is because of the terce antagonists devising it very convincing this is the truth.When, the gulling scene is first presented between the antagonist roles of Leonato, Claudio and Don Pedro, we as an audience can crack the bait that is laid out to the threatened Benedict. This is evident when Leonato states she dote on Signor Benedict which implies that Beatrice has affection for Benedict who initially chicanes none. The reason for the comedy generated by this statement is it generates an exaggeration surprised facial expression from Benedict, due to the fact that Beatrice is the character who is said to desp ise and scorn Benedict and vice versa. In addition comedy, is generated as the audience instantly recognises that the three characters are deceiving the notorious Benedict, who despises love and wishes to die a bachelor.Moreover, comedy is spawned within the gulling scene because of the over-exaggeration of the language. The utilisaton of the phrase enraged affection juxtaposes the rage and love, in order to see Beatrice as someone who is uncontrollably in love with benedict, and the rage represents her anger from this. Furthermore, this phrase is an example of oxy-moron when two opposite emotions are used to emphasize the joke. The contradiction in terms of both words seemingly would not normally fit alongside each other that are a reason for the comedy generated. Moreover, Leonato uses the word endless to describe the love and affection Beatrice has for Benedict. The word infinite is another example of the overstressed language. In this case, this is an example of dramatic irony to generate humor as Benedict does not a he is creation deceived to create mild conflict as well as mischief in a playful way.A combination between the over-exaggeration and address of the language, inthe gulling scene creates the comedy. This is apparent when Claudio says she falls, weeps, sobs, beats her heart, tears her hair, prays, curses the language and terminology that is used is highly exaggerated of Beatrices love and affection. The exploitation of this list form, of various different verbs in the present tense to describe her true emotion, generates amusement for the audience. Also, the urgency and fabrication blood lineed with the quick pace of the delivery of the lines, is a form of emotional blackmailing. This is the entire opposite against what we have seen of Beatrice and these motions go entirely against her philosophy.This is similar to when Leonato responds to Claudio further fabricating her affection, when the term ecstasy is employed. This is a sexual conno tation for a sexual experience reaching the climax/ orgasm that Beatrice feels when she is around Benedict. Linking back to the statement, it is clear to say that the deceit and the false report given by Leonato, Claudio and Don Pedro help in delivery the comedy to the audience.In addition, another factor, which helps to generate the comedy in the gulling scene, is Benedict lack observance that he is being tricked and deceived intentionally. Benedict is portrayed in this scene as being unintelligent, which is a serious contradiction to previous scenes where the battles of wit alongside cunning and clever statements. His unintelligence is communicate when he states that the information that Beatrice loves him is of the source the white bearded fellow otherwise known as Leonato. Not only is comedy generated through is foolish remark, still also the way he refers to Leonato in this way, the slang for wise and prudent. Our expectations of Benedict are mistaken therefore it creates hu mor.In addition, the humor is created when Don Pedro states that Benedict has despicable spirit, further justifying that Benedict deserved hatred for his lack of affection and care towards women. The comedy is generated, as we know that Benedict is carefully eavesdropping on the supposedly confidential conversation between the other characters, therefore his attitude and desire to prove them wrong in soliloquy part at the end of the act. Furthermore, when they contrast this with their description of Beatrice an excellent sweet lady, Benedicts becomes frustrated with the faults in hispersonality and the realization that he has suppressed his love, implies he has deceived himself as well.In conclusion, it is debatable the key element in generating the comedy in the gulling scene however it is clearly evident that the use of over-exaggerated language, is vital. From, this scene we can now see that Benedict does not know his women as he says he does and his stupidity alongside his idio cy, helps benefits the comedy at hand. Furthermore, the influence that Don Pedro, Leonato and Claudio have over Benedicts thoughts is a necessity for the comedy to be generated.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Causes and Solutions to Pronunciation Problems

Causes and solutions to orthoepy problems12008815x , So Hee Kim Hong kong is one of the most preferred locations for international ancestry in Asia Pacific, and is becoming more so. Naturally business English skills is becoming increasingly important. Business English skills can be categorized into collar different parts. These parts are writing, presentation and communication. All are equally important, but this essay will focus more on commuicaition. To be be more specific, it will focus on pronunciation.For, when I first came to hongkong, I realized that peoples grammer and vocabulary is quiet veracious, but it is sometimes grueling to understand them because of their pronunciation. Because relatively other aspects are quite good, I think that hong kong can increase their fighting in business English by way on this aspect. So, the following will cover the objective of the essay, the causes for the inaccurate pronunciation and the solutions. The objective is to look into ho w hong kong people can achieve an accept equal pronunciation.An acceptable pronunciation is a pronunciation when other people can understand what he/she says and the utterers English is pleasant to listen to in other spoken communication, the speaker is comfortably intelligible. (James,2010) To be short, the pronunciation doesnt have to be like a native speaker but just have to be seriousless comfortably. There are few factors that controls to the problem of pronunciation in hong kong, despite the early age the children start to learn English. One is the influence of their mother tongue. And the other is the way how pronunciation is taught in schools. Candice, 2006) There are lots of studies that proves that the first language have a pro entrap affect on learning the punt language (Carter,2001). In hong kong, their first language is Cantonese. And there are differences in phonology between Cantonese and English. First, unlike English, Cantonese is logographic. Because they l earn their mother tongue in a logographic method, they might apply the same way when learning English. That is, they may learn apply visual recognition method when learning English words rather than applying the phonetic analysis method.And this can decrease the ability to link letters and phonemes, which can affect their pronunciation. Also there are differences in the languages syllable structure, sound inventory and prosodic patterns. (Catherine,2002) But the more pressing problem is the insignificant emphasis placed on pronunciation teaching. For these kinds of problems can be overcome with a good system. First, teachers should clarify the differences between English and Cantonese phonological systems.In a study, a research(Candice,2006) was conducted to students of hong kong to find out where the most frequent pronunciation errors occur and the reason empennage this. The research showed that most of these problems occurred, because the students did not have a clear idea of the differences between the two sound systems. For example, the /l/ sound in Cantonese cannot be found in a word-final position. So most of the students in the research had a tendency to not spell out the /l/ when pronouncing will. Learning phonics in an appropriate method is also important.Phonics is teaching subscribeing by training beginners to associate letters with their sound values. By learning phonics students will be able to read and pronounce properly. Recently in primary schools in hong kong, phonics has become a major component of the English language curriculum. But there stillness seems to be a lot of limitation concerning this. The most pressing problem regarding this issue, is that the knowledge base for teaching phonics is not established. So the teachers will have to exit on finding a clear methodology for teaching phonics in secondary language contexts.For example, in a study the researcher suggested adopting awareness facelift activities for phonics learning. (pa ul,2008) This means increasing students awareness to the general sensitivity to sound-spelling correspondence. This will increase their ability to notice and deduce the specific relationships themselves. This will lead to better performance of students in sounding out a new word from its spelling or spelling a word from its pronunciation. Also, teachers should make use of todays technology.For example, there are so many good computer program for learning English pronunciation these days. The lovesome point of using computer software is that it allows student to repeatedly listen to what they want, and help them to learn at anytime, anywhere. And by motivating them to use these systems in their workaday lives, they can help students develop independency in learning pronunciation. Pronunciations in English is important, in peoples daily lives and also in business society. Poor pronunciation can have a negative impression and also create prejudice against the person. saylor) So, in o rder to have a good communication skills in the business world, having an acceptable pronunciation is a necessity. The main cause for pronunciation problems in hongkong can be found in the broad difference between their mother tounge and English. But by applying an effective English education system it is not a problem that could not be overcome.. As international business in increasing in hong kong, overcoming this weak point will have great effect on the nations competitiveness as the center for global businesses.References. 1. http//www. ehow. com/about_6636066_importance-english-pronunciation. html 2. An analysis of Hong Kong native Cantonese Form Three students problems in English Pronunciation. ( Chiu Kik Ling Candice,2006) 3. Teaching Phonics through Awareness-Raising Activities (Paul Sze, 2008) 4. Learning to read English among Chinese Children (Rebecca Treiman) 5. The Significance of Pronunciation in Engilsh Language Teaching (Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani, 2012)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Fall in Elderly

1 The Role of Thai khi Exercise in Promoting health Benefits for Older Persons Fuzhong Li, Ph. D. , operating theater Research Institute Thai ki, or Thaijiquan to be exact, originated in kina about 300 hundreds long time ago ( china Sports, 1980) and began as a form of hawkish arts like boxing. It has continued to evolve from being originally used as a combative and self-defense form to a wellness-enhancing commit, practiced by individuals of all ages to maintain health and prevent disease.As an alternative engagement, Siamese ki has drawn increasing interrogation interest, with accumulating exhibit showing the remedial repute of Tai chi to overall health and well-being. The goal of this paper is to summarize current research findings with a particular focus on geriatric populations, argue findings with respect to their practical implications, and highlight future research directions.Overview of Research Findings A number of excellent review articles exist show ing evidence that Tai khi gene regularises various health benefits for individuals of varying age collections and patient populations (Fasko & Grueninger, 2001 Lan, Lai, & Chen, 2002 Li, Hong, & Chan, 2001 Verhagen, Immink, va der Meulen et al. , 2004 Wang, Collet, & Lau, 2004 Wayne, Krebs, Wolf, et al. , 2004 Wu, 2002). Without overdue redundancy, the fol outseting depicts a abbreviation review of research studies that involve disarrange reckonled trials (RCTs) although results from non-RCTs be describe in the absence of RCTs.With aging processes, declines in physical and mental status in erstwhile(a) adults often result in equilibrium require impairments, operational limitations in loco labour activities, disability in particular activities, and decreased quality of life. Therefore, this review also focuses on health outcomes that bring on been shown to be clinically most(prenominal) relevant to this population. These acknowledge balance and fall, musculoskeletal conditions, sleep quality, cardiovascular and respiratory guide, and psychosocial wellbeing.Balance Control, Falls, and Fear of Falling Falls are solid cosmos health problem among sure-enough(a) adults (Murphy, 2000 Stevens, 2005), do it a major threat to the indep culminationence and quality of life of older adults, as well as imposing signifi asst burden to individuals, society, and national health systems (National Action Plan, 2005). As a stand-alone go discourse, Tai Chi has been shown to reduce the risk for waterfall. Wolf and his colleagues (1996) conducted the very offshoot disarrange concordled trial comparing the efficacy of two methods of exercise on falls.Community living healthy adults were randomise to one of three groups Tai Chi breeding computerized balance training and an attention control. Results of this 15-week trial showed that Tai Chi participants experienced signifi bottomlandt reductions (by about 47%) in falls compared to the exercise control pa rticipants. In a follow-up 48-week RCT, Wolf et al (2003) evaluated Tai Chi with older adults who were less robust (that is, transitioning to frailty). No significant between-experimental group reductions in falls were ascertained.However, by analyzing fall data from month four through month twelve, the study showed a significantly reduced risk of falls in the Tai chi group compared with the exercise control group. In an independent study, Li et al. (2005) confirmed the general findings of those report by Wolf and his colleagues. These researchers reported that, at the end of a 6-month Tai Chi intervention, significantly fewer falls (38 versus 73), lower proportions of fallers (28% versus 46%), and injurious falls (7% versus 18%) were observed in the Tai Chi condition, compared to a low-impact stretching control condition. Overall, the risk of multiple falls in the Tai Chi group was 55% lower than that of the stretching controls. In addition, compared to stretching control particip ants, Tai Chi participants showed significant amelioratements in measures of functional balance, physical performance, and reduced alarm of falling. Of equal importance, intervention gains in these measures were maintained at a 6-month postintervention follow-up in the Tai Chi group (Li et al. 2004). Musculoskeletal Conditions Evidence to date indicates that Tai Chi training preserves or even increases lower-extremity heft strength. Wolfson et al. (1996) showed that 6 months of Tai Chi training (following their primary interventions) did non improve lower-extremity muscle strength, compared to an exercise control group. However, their data did indicate that Tai Chi training preserved lowerextremity strength gains developed by the intervention. In a 20-week pilot study, Christou et al. 2003) showed that, compared to those in the control condition, Tai Chi participants significantly improved knee extensor strength and force control among older adults. Tai Chi also appears to be s afe and beneficial for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In a randomized trial among older women with osteoarthritis, Song et al (2003) showed a 12-week Tai Chi chopine resulted in significant improvements in pain and stiffness in joints, balance, and abdominal strength, and fewer reported perceived toilsomeies in physical functioning, compared to those of control subjects.Another randomized trial, Hartman et al (2000) showed that a 12week chopine significantly improved osteoarthritis symptoms much(prenominal) as fatigue, arthritis selfefficacy, feelings of tension, and satisfaction with general health status. More recent evidence points to the potential difference of Tai Chi as a weight-bearing exercise for retarding bone loss in older women. In a 12-month randomized trial, Chan et al (2004) tested the hypothesis that Tai Chi may retard bone loss in betimes postmenopausal women.At the end of the trial, bone mineral density (BMD) measurements revealed a general bone loss in both Tai Chi and control subjects at all measured skeletal sites, but with a slower rate in the Tai Chi group. Although the BMD findings were equivocal, the findings lend some support for the potential of Tai Chi to retard bone loss. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Function Although numerous studies have evaluated the effects of Tai Chi on cardiovascular and respiratory function, no RCTs have been reported that involve older adults.A number of Taiwanbased observational studies have shown improvements in cardiorespiratory function resulting from Tai Chi. For example, among long-term older adults practicing Tai Chi, significantly better cardiorespiratory function has been reported (Lai, Lan, Wong, & Teng, 1995 Lan, Lai, Chen, & Wong, 1998), and improvements were also observed among coronary artery bypass surgery patients deemed to be at low risk during their participation in a Tai Chi exercise program (Lan, Chen, Lai, & Wong, 1999). Hypertension Tai Chi is a low-impact activity with se lf-paced and fluid movements, making it trance as a instrument to reduce filiation pressure in people with hypertension. Two intervention trials compared the effects of Tai Chi and aerobiotic exercise on blood pressure a surrogate for hypertension. An earlier study by Channer et al (1996) showed that over 11 sessions of exercise, both Tai Chi and aerobic exercise were associated with reductions in systolic blood pressure Tai Chi was also associated with reductions in diastolic blood pressure in a sample of patients recovering from acute myocardial infraction.In a different study by Young et al. (1999), physically inactive older women with systolic blood pressure 130-159 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 95 mmHg were randomized to a 12-week moderate-intensity aerobic exercise program or a Tai Chi program of light activity. At the end of the intervention, the Tai Chi group decreased 7. 0 mmHg of systolic and 2. 4 mmHg of diastolic blood pressure. No significant differences were observed between the two exercise activities.The authored concluded that programs of moderate intensity aerobic exercise and light exercise may have similar effects on blood pressure in previously sedentary older individuals. Quality of Sleep Self-reported sleep complaints are common among older adults (Neubauer, 1999) and it is estimated that up to 50% of senior(a) persons complain about their sleep (Alessi, 2000). Li et al. (2003) conducted a six-month intervention trial to examine the impact of a simpler Tai Chi program on alter quality of sleep and reducing daytime sleepiness among older adults reporting moderate sleep complaints.Participants were randomly assigned to a Tai Chi group or an exercise control group. At the end of the study, Tai Chi participants reported significant improvements in several sleep-quality related measures in comparison to the control participants with reduced sleep latency (by about 18 minutes per night) and daytime sleepiness, and improved sleep d uration (by about 48 minutes per night). The study provided previous evidence linking the benefits of Tai Chi exercise to improved quality of sleep and reduced daytime sleepiness in older adults.Psychosocial Wellbeing and Confidence Li and his colleagues (2001a,b,c,d, 2002a, 2002b) provided a series of reports examining the extent to which Tai Chi enhanced older adults multidimensional psychological well-being and health-related quality of life indicators. In a 6-month randomized controlled trial, healthy older adults were randomly assigned to either a control condition or Tai Chi. Results indicated that Tai Chi participants reported higher levels of health perceptions, life satisfaction, positive affect, and well-being, and lower levels of depression, negative affect, and psychological distress (Li et al. 2001a). Participants also showed higher levels of both domain-specific physical self-esteem (Li et al. , 2002b) and exercise self-efficacy relevant to movement authorization (Li et al. , 2001c). Change in the level of movement self-efficacy was found to be significantly related to change in physical functioning (Li et al. , 2001b). Similar profiles have been reported by other researchers (Kutner, Barnhart, Wolf, McNeely, & Xu 1997) in that Tai Chi practice resulted in improved well-being, increased alertness, relaxation, better mental outlook, achievement, and greater confidence. Practical Implications The previous summary and review makes it clear that Tai Chi provides multiple health and therapeutic benefits for older adults. Thus, some discussion of practical implications appears to be in order. Fall legal community Falls can result in devastating consequences for older adults. Accumulating evidence to date suggest that Tai Chi may be an effective means of improving deficits in balance and functional limitations, and therefore, may serve as a therapeutic exercise for balance and strength, and consequently, reduce the risk of falling and the rate of fal ls in older adults.Tai Chi may also be mete outed as an exercise modality that generates confidence building to counteract fear of falling, a common psychological symptom of falls among community adults. However, Tai Chi does not provide a quick fix for the fall problem. close to research in this area has focused on short-term results. Findings from current RCTs show that, however, a minimum of three months training is required before clinically meaningful reductions in risks of falling can be achieved, suggesting the need for long-term, sustained, and frequent practice, perhaps on a day-to-day basis, to obtain the full benefit.Tai Chi as an Alternative, Therapeutic Exercise Tai Chi has been recommended for treating many degenerative conditions. For example, as a lowimpact, low-intensity alternative exercise therapy, Tai Chi has also been proposed as a potential option for the management of osteoarthritis (Lumsden, Baccala & Aartire, 1998). As a fall stripe activity, Tai Chi has emerged as an appropriate stand-alone balance training program for older adults to improve balance and prevent falls (JAGS, 2001).But even though Tai Chi appears to have numerous benefits to participants, it is yet too early for physicians to begin prescribing Tai Chi as a remedy for chronic health problems because many of the studies have design limitations (Wang et al. , 2004), making it difficult to generalize results to broader patient populations. In this regard, patients with chronic health problems need to take precautions before beginning a Tai Chi program, because for some people Tai Chi could worsen medical conditions or problems/ symptoms. In some cases, appropriate odifications may be needed to better accommodate patients special needs or physical limitations. Program Costs, Logistics, and Protocols One of the most desirable aspects of Tai Chi is its absence of a need for high technology in promoting health. Tai Chi is easily distinguished from highly technical compute rized balance training protocols, and may be just as successful in achieving fall reduction or balance improvement objectives certainly, Tai Chi is much practical. Tai Chi is a low-cost exercise regimen because special equipment or facilities are not needed (Lan et al. 2002 Li et al. , 2003). Li et al (2001b) reported that, in a 6-month RCT, the total direct cost was approximately $9000 (an average of $3. 50 per person per session). Others (Wilson & Datta, 2001) have reported that a twice weekly Tai Chi program was cost-saving whether direct benefits alone (hip fracture costs averted) or direct plus substantiating benefits were considered, with a total net cost savings of $1274. 43 per person per year. When considering direct cots only, the net cost savings were $8. 04 per participant per year.Lower costs check off that more community-dwelling older adults have 5 sufficient access to programs, and abundant opportunities to participate, which is likely to have profound public hea lth implications. While costs of acquirement Tai Chi are potentially low, one should not underestimate the fact that Tai Chi is a complex system of movements that, when performed, requires body awareness, motor coordination, and agility features that could make Tai Chi less immediately deliverable to community adults (Li et al. 2003). Therefore, even though the benefits of regular Tai Chi exercise are quite clear, the challenge of maximizing the opportunity for older persons hold ons because certain movements may be beyond the capabilities of some elderly individuals or others with disabilities. Thus, there is a need to modify existing Tai Chi protocols to develop forms that are simple, easy to perform, and enjoyable (Chen, 2002 Li et al. , 2003 Wolf et al. , 1997), and that do not require years of sustained practice to master.Tai Chi Styles There are several styles of Tai Chi, some of which are historic/traditional and some of which are of more recent origin. The earliest known f orm can be traced to the Chen style and evolved and progressed into multiple styles or schools. Currently, there are five main schools of Tai Chi (Peoples Sports, 1996), each named after the styles founding family (a) Chen, (b) Yang, (c) Sun, (d) Wu (Jian Qian), and (e) Wu (He Qin).Each style has a characteristic protocol that differs from other styles in the postures or forms included, the order in which they appear, the pace at which movements are executed, and the level of difficulty. For example, one significant difference between Chen and Yang styles is that Yang style movements are relaxed and evenly paced. By comparison, the Chen style is characterized by alternating slow movements with quick and vigorous movements, including restrained and controlled actions/motions, reflecting its martial origin.Yang Style Tai Chi, which evolved from the Chen school, is probably the most frequent Tai Chi style being practiced today (e. g. , Swaim, 1999 Yu & Johnson, 1999). Yang style movem ents are performed in a relaxed and flowing manner, with the trunk erect as the axis of rotation of all movements, making it immediately suitable for elderly, frail, or disabled populations. To date, the Yang style, with its variations, has been used as an therapeutic exercise modality in most medical and behavioural research.Although there are multiple versions of the Yang style (both short and long, covering 24-, 48-, 88-, and 108-Forms) ( china National Sports Commission, 1983), the 24-Form, based on the most popular sequences of the Yang Chengfu school (China Sports, 1980 People Sports, 1996), is the most readily adaptable to the lifestyles and living situations of older adult populations. It is also the most accommodating, requiring minimal demands of personal strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, and motor skills for participation. Is Tai Chi Ready for Dissemination?In a 2001 joint communique on the prevention of falls among the elderly, the American Geriatrics Society, th e British Geriatrics Society, and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons suggested that Tai Chi is a promising type of exercise, although it requires further evaluation before it can be recommended as the preferred balance training (JAGS, 2001). Since the publication of this joint communique, one full-size successful RCTs has been published (Li et al. , 2005) providing supporting evidence documented by Wolf et al. s earlier work (1996).As a result of these studies, we should be ask questions about how we can most effectively translate and disseminate the Tai Chi program. With this accumulated evidence, the time is near 6 for Tai Chi to be recommended as a preferred exercise for balance training and be routinely prescribed for older patients at risk for falling following appropriate screening. Future Research Directions Despite the increasing interest in studying the say-so of Tai Chi training and the resulting evidence of health benefits, there remain areas that require furt her research.We highlight a few of these. A rent to Understand the Mechanisms of the Benefits Shown Although findings from Tai Chi intervention studies are important from a public health perspective, they provide little information relative to the underlying mechanisms that may produce such effects. In this regard, little attention has been presumptuousness considering intervention/ word mediators or moderators that help identify causal pathways between treatment and outcome, and possible mechanisms through which a treatment might achieve its effects.For example, although Tai Chi has repeatedly been shown to improve balance, possible mechanisms by which Tai Chi improves this outcome, and prevent subsequent falls, remains to be determined. Future studies should target specifically older adults with balance impairments, and consider integrated laboratory and/or clinical measures that may help identify specific mechanisms whereby Tai Chi can remedy balance disorders. A Need to Better Understand Effects to Patients with Chronic Conditions A review by Wang et al. (2004) concluded that there is insufficient information to recommend Tai Chi to patients with chronic conditions.For example, the impact of Tai Chi on several important geriatric syndromes such as frailty, dementia, and sarcopenia are worthy of study or further research. mammoth clinical trials, involving populations with specific medical conditions are needed before health professionals can recommend Tai Chi exercise as an alternative to the more conventional exercise forms that have been shown to produce health benefits. The potential application of Tai Chi to important geriatric issues yet to be studied include obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, neurological disorders (e. g. , Parkinsons disease peripheral neuropathy).A Need to Study Long-Term Effects Tai Chi intervention studies are typically conducted with a short-duration (e. g. , 3 months, 6 months). Long-term effects of Tai Chi training (e. g. , 1 2 months up to 2 or 3 years) are largely undetermined. Therefore, questions such as how long the established effects on clinical endpoints will sustain over a longer period of time remains to be determined. Certain outcomes may take a longer time to show an effect. Reductions in falls are a good example. Other outcomes such as BMD, may require up to one year to demonstrate clinically meaningful change because Tai Chi is a low-impact activity.Also, research from the general exercise literature indicates that people who participate in an exercise program often fall back into their older inactive lifestyle after a program ends (van der Bij, Laurant, & Wensing, 2002). Although anecdotal evidence suggest that participants remained active upon program termination (Li et al. , 2001b Wolf et al. , 1996), critical issues such as getting people to initiate and maintain the Tai Chi activity over a long-term need to be addressed. A Need to Evaluate Programs That Can Be Disseminated in Broader C ommunity Settings Ultimately, for the results of the research-based evidence to have greater public health impact they must be diffused and made accessible to the community. However, it remains unclear whether the general community can readily implement or adopt these Tai Chi training protocols despite evidence of their tested efficacy. To date, there is no widespread, nationally available Tai Chi-based falls prevention program that is based on the effectiveness of scientifically controlled studies. In this regard, program evaluation research is needed to translate effective interventions into a program that is implementable in community settings.The Oregon Research Institute is currently conducting a project to move effective interventions into community practice. The project has identified randomized controlled studies of scientifically-based effective Tai Chi fall interventions and focuses on issues related to reach (i. e. , proportion of older adults who are willing to participa te in a given Tai Chi program initiative), uptake (adoption i. e. , the proportion of settings and service agencies who are willing to initiate a program), and implementation (i. e. the intervention agents fidelity to the various elements of a Tai Chi training protocol, including consistency of delivery as intended and the time and cost of the intervention). The intended results of this translation and dissemination project will provide an effective, evidence-based falls prevention package that can be implemented in community settings to improve functional ability and reduce fall prevalence among community-dwelling older adults. Summary The extant research evidence provides strong support for what was originally considered anecdotal evidence about the health benefits of Tai Chi for older adults.Overall, Tai Chi has been shown to have physiologic and psychosocial benefits and appears to be safe and effective in promoting balance control and muscular strength, and cardiovascular fitne ss for older adults. More research is needed, with rigorous scientific methodologies, to fully understand the mechanisms whereby Tai Chi produces these health benefits. From a public health perspective, immediate efforts are needed to translate programs that can be disseminated in local settings that target community healthy older adults. Fuzhong Li, Ph. D. , is a Senior Research Scientist at the Oregon Research Institute, Eugene, OR. References Alessi, C. A. (2000). Sleep disorders. In Beers MH, Berkow R, eds. The Merck Manual of Geriatrics. 3rd edition. NJ Merck & Co, 459-463. 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Monday, May 20, 2019

Revlon Ida

CORPORATE visibility ? ? ? ? Revlon is a worldwide cosmetics, pilus color, beauty tools, fragrances, sputtercare, anti-per spirants/deodorants and beauty care products connection. Revlon is a global color cosmetics, hair color, beauty tools, fragrances, skincare, anti-per spirant / deodorants and beauty care products company Websites featuring current product and promotional information arouse be reached at www. revlon. com, www. alwhitethorn. com and www. mitchumman. com. The Companys brands, which are interchange worldwide, include Revlon, Almay, ColorSilk, Mitchum, Charlie, Gatineau and Ultima II.CORPORATE PROFILE CONT Type Public Traded as NYSE REV Industry Cosmetics, skin care, fragrance, individual(prenominal) care Founded 1932 Founder(s) Joseph & Charles Revson, Charles Lachman Headquarters brand-new York City, New York, unify States Key people Alan T. Ennis, President and CEO CORPORATE PROFILE CONT Revenue US$1. 3 jillion (2009) Operating income US$170. 8 million (20 09) Net income US$821. 20 million (2009) Total assets US$794. 20 million (2009) Employees 6,800 Parent MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings 60% (74% of votes) FMR Corp. 20% Website http//www. evlon. com/(US) VISION & MISSION Revlon Inc. Vision is Glamour, Excitement and base through High-quality Products at Affordable Prices. ? Revlon Inc. Mission is to emerge as the leader in cosmetic and personal care throughout the world. Revlon takes pride in manufacturing the top skin care and strives to please young and sometime(a) woman alike. ? HISTORY ? ? ? ? Revlon was founded in the midst of the Great Depression, 1932, by Charles Revson and his brother Joseph, a persistent with a chemist, Charles Lachman, who contributed the L in the Revlon name.Starting with a single product a brand-new type of nail grace the three founders pooled their resources and breaked a unique manufacturing process. Using pigments instead of dyes, Revlon developed a variety of new shades of opaque nail enamel. In 1937, Revlon started selling the polishes in department stores and drug stores. HISTORY CONT In six years, the company became a multimillion dollar organization. ? By 1940, Revlon offered an entire manicure line, and added lipstick to the collection. ? During World fight II, Revlon created makeup and related products for the U.S. Army, which was honored in 1944 with the Army-Navy E Award for Excellence. ? By the end of the war, Revlon was listed as angiotensin converting enzyme of Americas top five cosmetic houses. ? REVLON IN INDIA ? Revlon was the first International Color Cosmetics brand to be launched in India (1995). ? It all began in the year 1994, with formation of Modi-Revlon Pvt. Ltd. , a collaboration in the midst of Modi-Mundipharma Pvt. Ltd. (a joint venture between the Umesh K. Modi Group of India and Mundipharma Group of Switzerland) and Revlon of USA.REVLON IN INDIA CONT ? Today, Revlon is a name to reckon with in the beauty industry in India. It has added glamour and color to the lives of many a women to make them look and feel beautiful and confident. ? ? Revlon has brought to the modern Indian women the excitement and fun of experimenting with trend setting colors and innovative products. The company offers an extensive range of spicy quality products in different categories namely, color cosmetics, skincare, fragrances, hair care and hair colors. ? REVLON IN INDIA CONT ?Revlon in India enjoys commodious consumer franchise with its world famous brands like Super Lustrous, Revlon Nail Enamel, Colorstay, Street Wear, Revlon compulsive C, Flex, Charlie , Fire & Ice, Colorsilk and many more than. Modi-Revlon ceaselessly continues to introduce new products and color trends retentivity in view the preferences of the Indian consumer. It draws expertise from Revlons state-of-the-art Research Center in Edison, New Jersey (USA) and complies with its stringent product quality standards. ? ? FAMOUS BRANDS FAMOUS BRANDS FAMOUS BRANDSTOP COMPETITOR S FOR REVLON, INC. Avon Products, Inc. ? The Procter & Gamble Company ? LOreal SA ? nerd ANALYSIS STRENGTH ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Revlon is the major player in cosmetics, skin care, fragrance and personal care products. It has long history of 75 years. Famous brand especially among the womens. Despite of heavy debt and net losses from blend in few years. Product development is the main focus area for Revlon. Strong research and development. Revlon products are sold in more than 100 countries. Revlon 43 percent sales are from United States grocery.It has been supporting some(prenominal) health programs for Women. Advertising is one of the key areas for Revlon. Revlon aims to provide quality products. Distribution channels are puff up managed that the reason Revlon products are used in more than 100 countries of the world. bone up ANALYSIS Weaknesses Weak pecuniary position due to net losses and heavy debts. Cutting down number of jobs reduce employee self-assertion on the C ompany. Continuous changes in the Organizational Structure may impact the performance for employees. Besides advert other marketing areas are he weak. SWOT ANALYSIS Opportunities Revlon is currently facing financial problems so joint ventures or partnership with other players in the industry may open the doors of new opportunities. utilize all marketing methods to promote its products it will help to boost the sales of the company. Develop products for male segment. SWOT ANALYSIS Threats Intense competition with major players of the industry including Procter & Gamble, Unilever, LOreal, Rapid changes in fashion may require heavy budgets for product development & marketing.Revlon has to find some financial assistance to support its proceeding to sustain its position in the industry. Revlon selling its products through websites but it havent made efforts to develop relations with the customers through online channels. Government instability and variation in exchange rate i n few countries Focused towards woman segment PRODUCTS Eye Products ? Face Products ? Lip Products ? Nail Products ? Skin Care Products ? center of attention PRODUCTS FACE PRODUCTS LIP PRODUCTS NAIL PRODUCTS SKIN CARE PRODUCTS BORROWED STRATEGYIn the 1960s, Revson Segmented Revlon Inc into different divisions, each foc exploitation on a different market. ? He borrowed this strategy from General Motors. ? Each division had its own bottom customer ? a. b. c. d. e. f. Revlon, the largest and most popular-priced brand Princess Marcella Borghese, upscale/international Ultima II, premium Natural Wonder, juniors Moon Drops, dry skin Etherea, hypo-allergenic SALES STRATEGY Revlons entrance into the Japanese market was typical of its international sales strategy. ? Instead of adapting its ads and using Japanese models, Revlon chose to use its basic U.S. advertising and models. ? Japanese women loved the American look, and the sales for 1962 came to almost $164 million. ? strategic GOAL ? Strategic Goal is to cyberspaceably grow their business organisation. 2011 was a year of many notable achievements, as they continued to execute their business strategy despite continued uncertain global economic conditions. ? From a financial perspective, they grew net sales for the second year in a row, sustained competitive in operation(p) margins, achieved their fourth consecutive year of positive free cash flow and improved their capital structure. From a marketplace perspective, they introduced innovative, high-quality, consumer-preferred products crossways their entire portfolio, they acquired the SinfulColors brand, and they signed two of Hollywoods most sought-after actresses, Emma endocarp and Olivia Wilde, as Global Brand Ambassadors for their Revlon brand. ? ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS STRATEGY They are focused on the five elements of their business strategy, specifically, to ? (i) build their strong brands ? (ii) develop their organizational capability ? (iii) drive their company to act globally ? (iv) improver their operating profit and cash flow and ? v) improve our capital structure. DEBT LIMITS FLEXIBILITY ? But, heres our concern Revlons balance woodworking plane is heavily loaded with debt, so much so that in 2007, the interest payments due distanceed its operating profit (as measured by EBIT) for that year. Even in 2009, the interest payments exceeded 60% of EBIT, making the earnings highly vaporizable and vulnerable to market fluctuations and interest ratesy. ? DEBT LIMITS FLEXIBILITY ? As a result, Revlons R authoriseing at 1. 7% of sales amounting to $24 million is dwarfed by LOreals 3. 7% at $666 million. Also, given Revlons sales at good to $1. billion compared to $24 billion for LOreal and $7. 9 billion for Estee Lauder leaves it with much less money to spend on marketing, a crucial factor for success in cosmetics industr ? CORPORATE CSR Overview of Revlons Corporate Social debt instrument manikin ? Please find in the link below Revlons Corporate Social Responsibility Framework (the Revlon CSR) which is disseminated to all of our employees worldwide. ? The Revlon CSR is monitored and overseen by two of our most senior executives our Chief Science Officer and our Chief administrative Officer. The Revlon CSR includes the Purpose, Standards and Measurements in each of the key areas of Safety, Social, honourable, Regulatory and Environmental. ? CORPORATE CSR The stated purposes are as follows ? Safety let our consumers with highquality, safe and efficacious products and our valued employees with a safe workplace. ? Social Enhance womens lives through our products and philanthropic efforts. ? Ethical Conduct business in an ethical manner. ? Regulatory Ensure that our products and operating facilities meet or exceed all applicable standards, globally. Environmental Reduce the environmental impact of our operations. ? WHAT IF REVLON FOCUSED ON COLOR COSMETICS AND PHASED appear SKIN CARE AND/OR FRAGRANCES? Rev lon is most well known for color cosmetics and commands a significant market share of over 20% in US, which itself constitutes over 18% of the global market for color cosmetics. ? Given, the company average EBITDA margin(Earnings before depreciation, impairment and amortization) for color cosmetics and moderate growth rates in excess of 3%, it would be reasonable to focus on this product segment and to further strengthen Revlons market share in the same. We estimate that color cosmetics constitute over 60% of Trefis price estimate of Revlons stock. ? CONCLUSION ? In the current scenario, there is forecast Revlon to lose share in the future across all product segments due to its inability to match the competition in marketing and R&D. ? Hence, stress the limited funds available on a few preferred product categories presents a more viable option for the future

Sunday, May 19, 2019

John Grisham Essay

Introduction The Capital Area intellectual nourishment Bank has been serving 633,000 unprivileged residents in cap D. C Metropolitan Area and 200,000 children whose standards of living ar precarious inviting utmost c be and concern. There are 200,000 children who are in need of diet. source U. S Census Bureau,2000 Food Bank distributes over and above 62,000 pounds on periodic basis and serves meals accounting to 1. 6 m mishapion per month apart from serving 700 non-profit partnership agencies affiliated with Washington D. C. Metropolitan Area. The minimum wage of D. C. is $7. 00. Also the minimum wage is $6.15 in Maryland and $5. 15 in Virginia. source ache in America 2006, Mathematica Policy Research CAFB definition of impoverishment The Capital Area Food Bank defines poverty based upon 185% of the poverty guide tenors. This means that a household may earn up to 185% of the U. S. governings standard of poverty and still be considered in poverty. This measure (and separate multiples such as 125%, 150% and even 200% of poverty) is utilized determine eligibility for many government programmes. 1 Contributing factors to Hunger and Homelessness 1. Unemployment The following States have the problem of unemployment 2005.Sno State High Low 1 Mississipi 2 Louisiana 3 southerly Carolina 4 Alaska 5 shekels 6 Hawaii 7 pairing Dakota 8 Vermont 9 Virginia 2. National poverty indicators Sno (In millions Status For the Year 1 25,350 Individuals 2005 2 5,146 Avg periodical individuals 2005 3 25,682 Avg monthly food stamp individuals 2005 4 38,196 Food insecurity-household 2004 5 7,591 Unemployed individuals 2005 6 36,997 Individuals in poverty 2004 sourceHunger in America, Draft Report, February 2006 2. Food Insecurity 2002-2004 1 Oklahoma 2 South Carolina 3 Arkansas 4 Delaware .5 North Dakota 6 New Hampshire 7 manganese 8 Hawaii sourceNational Statistics on Hunger and Poverty2 3. States with poverty 20043 1 New Hampshire 1 2 Minnes ota 2 3 Vermont 3 4 New Jersey 4 5 Hawaii 5 6 Delaware 6 7 Masschusetts 7 8 Alaska 7 9 Virginia 9 10 northeast 10 11 North Dakota 11 12 Maryland 12 13 Wyoming 13 14 Idaho 13 15 Utah 13 16 Connecticut 16 17 Colorado 16 18 Iowa 18 19 Oklahoma 19 20 Nevada 20 21 Pennsylvania 21 22 Kansas 22 23 Rhode Island 23 24 Washington 23 25 Florida 25 26 Maine 25 27 Indiana 25 28 Ohio 25 29 Missouri 30 30 Illinois 30 31 Wisconsin 32 32 Georgia 33.33 California 34 34 Michigan 34 35 South Dakota 36 36 Montana 37 37 West Virginia 38 38 Arizona 39 39 North Carolina 40 40 South Carolina 41 41 New York 42 42 Arkansas 43 43 Tennessee 44 44 New Mexico 45 45 Texas 45 46 Alabama 49 47 Kentucky 50 48 Mississippi 51 57% of hunger is prevalent in urban areas and 43% is prevalent in sub-urban/rural areas of U. S4. 4. Income fellowship & Employment status 20065 sno Income (USD) percentage Employment percentage 1 0-999 60. 6 Full-time 14. 6 2 1000-2499 25. 3 Part-time 13. 2 3 2500 and above 2. 9 Unemployed 72 . 2 4 not known 11. 2 North Carolina A study.Statistics of hunger and poverty in North Carolina sno year sign income (Avg) % (+) (-) Increase in numbers From To Increase % 1 2000 2002 (-) $1749 (-) 4. 4 985,000 1. 07 mn 9 According to the abide by of Wake Forest University School of Medicine, it was found that the overall percentage of hunger in U. S in 4. 3 and according to Quandt food insecurity is between 35. 6% to 41. 8% in four surveys conducted. North Carolina with a population of 8 million is having an account of 15. 2 % of individuals and 21. 2% of families with small children facing a risk of hunger. Statistics of Polkton.1 Total population 18,324 2 Households 7,908 3 Families 5,337 4 Average household sizing 2. 28 5 Average family size 2. 78 6 Household median value income $36,259 7 Family Median Income $45,096 8 Percapita Income $19,804 9 Male Median income $29,375 10 Female-Median income $23,070 11 Below poverty line-18 under 11. 70% 12 Below poverty line-65 and old er 8. 80% 13 Children under 18 23. 50% 14 Married couples 56. 30% 15 Female householders 7. 90% 16 Non-families 32. 50% 17 Individual households 28. 90% 18 65 and older living alone 15% 19 Below poverty line 10. 10% of population 20 Families below poverty line 6. 40%.The break up of hoi polloi living is White 92. 26% African American 5. 89% Native American 0. 19 Asian 0. 247 Conclusion The result of 25 cities survey of status report on Hunger and Homelessness in U. S concludes that 83 per cent of cities surveyed that there is a dire need of assistance in shelter and food which has risen by 15 per cent, still having 76 per cent of cities reporting to be increasing. There are totally thirteen cities facing the acute and emergency need of home and food. viz. , Burlington, Vermont,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,Charlotte,North Carolina,Portland,Oregon, San Antonio and Texas.sourceMayors Conference. North Carolina crisis in budget is expected to exceed $1Billion. Some of the other co ntributing factors are growth in accommodation cost, unemployment, and employment problems, poverty, low income or lack of income, increasing utility rates, non-availability of transportation and injure and mentally disabled persons. There is an account of 1/5 of homeless persons who are mentally ill in the above cities. According to a survey 60percent of eastern North Carolina have participated in WIC program conducted by U.S discussion section of Agriculture, as compared to 40 per cent in Forsyth County. 6 Compared to other split of the world, United States is free from food insecurity and hunger. The nations data accounts that 82. 4 per cent of households were secured with food and 13. 3. Percent of households were food insecure and 4. 3 percent were accounted with hunger. There are several community based organizations and local percentage point departments CBO, LHD which are working for North Carolina to assist people in every manner providing comfort for ailment and foo d.There is a severe need for adult care for treating mental illnesses apart from providing all kinds of facilities for children. References 1 Hunger in D C Metro Area, Capital Area Food Bank http//www. capitalareafoodbank. org/hunger/statistics. cfm 2.A Report on the North Carolina 2003 Public Health Partnership Survey of Local Health Department and community based organization. http//www. schs. state. nc. us/SCHS/pdf/LHDCBOSurveyweb. pdfsearch=%22statistics%20of%20hunger%20and%20poverty%20in%20Anson%20county%22 3 Housing and extreme poverty of extreme poverty http//www. common-sense. org/journal/housing. html.

Ancient Greek and Ancient Egyptian Art Compared Essay

Egyptian blind comes from the paintings the Egyptians created in the tombs of rich people when they died. These pictures were supposed to help the completely of a sudden person out when he or she reached the next world, where the Egyptians thought you lived after you died in this world. At first, carvers had a hard term painting the pictures but in about 2160 B.C. they started taking short cuts and make their change by reversal sloppier.Greek art was lots different from the Egyptians art. One of their styles of art was sculpting. In Crete, between about 1700 and 1450 BC, the Minoans produced a lot of medium-sized figurines, mainly made of metal and ivory. The Greeks learned how to make big stone statues from the Egyptians. At this time many Greek men were working in Egypt as soldiers, and so they had a chance to instruct Egyptian statues and learn how they were made. One Egyptian technique is to have a triangle for the face and cardinal upside-down triangles for the hair. This makes the hair help support the neck, which otherwise might be too thin to stimulate up the head. Another Egyptian idea is to have one foot a little in front of the other, which also helps the statue to stand up and not fall over. One difference is that the Greeks always made their statues nude (without clothes), while the Egyptian statues always wore clothes. This is because the Greeks thought that mens bodies were sacred and that the gods liked to gull them.In the Severe style, sculptors began to make statues more unbent to life, and with more feeling in their faces and their movements. Instead of all being standing straight up and looking sacred and peaceful, now statues began to do things drive a chariot, carry something, throw a spear, or ride a horse. And sometimes they looked sad, or frightened, or nasty, depending on who they were supposed to be. At the same time, sculptors took more interest in making the muscles and bones look true to life too. The Severe style didnt l ast very long, and after about thirty years it was replaced by the Classical style. Greek sculptors began to experiment with honoring the gods by showing the beauty and grace of the serviceman body, especially the bodies of young, athletic men (womens bodies were still not shown without their clothes).The sculptors also became more interested in the three-dimensionality of sculpture people being able tosee it from all different sides, and not rightful(prenominal) from the front. At the end of the 400s BC, Greece, and especially Athens, was devastated by a terrible war which bear on nearly all the Greek city-states, the Peloponnesian War. The end of the war left Greeks too poor for much sculpture, but when people did begin creating new sculpture again it was in a new style. in that location is more emotion, especially sad feelings like grief. There is more interest in women, who are sometimes shown without clothes now. Portraits of individuals also became more popular. As you ca n see, Greek art was different from Egyptian art in many ways and Greeks had many forms of art work unlike the Egyptians.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Ia Math

IA Task I Introduction and purpose of task The purpose of this task is to investigate the positions of points in cross circles and to discover the various relationships between said circles. quite a little C1 has focus on O and radius r. Circle C2 has revolve around P and radius OP. Let A be one of the points of intersection of C1 and C2. Circle C3 has center A and radius r (therefore circles C1 and C3 are the same size). The point P (written P prime) is the intersection of C3 with OP. This is shown in the diagram below.Analytically find OP using r=1 and OP=2, OP=3, and OP=4 First, I created a line (see the bucket along line in the higher up figure) between AP that creates the ? AOP. Because P is on the perimeter of circle C3 and A is the center of circle C3, that means that AP is equal to the radius of C3, which is 1. We also know that because line AO connects the circumference of C1 with the center of C1 (O) and the circumference of C3 with the center of C3 (A), the radii of these circles is the same, which means that they are equivalent circles.Therefore, in the ? AOP, AO=AP. When a triangle has two equivalent sides, it is an isosceles triangle. By that logic, ? O=? P. Now, I looked at the triangle that is already drawn in the above figure, ? AOP. We know that this triangle is also isosceles because OP=AP. By that logic, ? A=? O. Using the law of cosines c2=a2+b2-2abcos(C), which works for any triangle, I assigned ? to ? O and determined that cos(? )=1/(2*OP). Then, using the law of sines (insert law of sines here), sin(? )/1=sin(180-2? )/OP OP=sin(180-2? /sin(? ) OP=sin(2? )/sin(? ) OP=2cos(? ) But because cos(? )=1/2OP as earlier discovered OP=1/OP By using this equation, I derived the following answers analytically using r=1 and OP=2, OP=3, and OP=4. OP234 OP0. 50. 330. 25 way of intersecting circles and commonplace statement describing interaction that occurs when value of OP is changed As OP changes, the resulting OP value decreases exponential ly. This shows that ______________ rant BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH Analytically find OP using OP=2 and r=2, r=3, and r-4Behavior of intersecting circles and world-wide statement describing interaction that occurs when value of OP is changed Comments on consistency of general statement 1 vs. general statement 2 Use technology to investigate other values of r and OP. Find the general statement for OP Test the validity of the most recent general statement by using antithetic values of OP and r Discussion of scope and/or limitations of the most recent general statement history of how general statement was arrived at Further comments Further investigation into relationships of intersecting circles

Friday, May 17, 2019

Business Fundamentals Essay

This fly the coop bequeath provide the learner with information about business operations and business vocabulary and it ordain sponsor direct the thinking of each student to the field of business best suited for her/his interest and talent. state matter includes an analysis of the specialized fields within the business organization. The course covers concepts of business, management functions, organizational considerations, and stopping point-making processes. This course is beneficial to business majors and non-business majors. on that point is no prerequi aim.(If you atomic number 18 trying to make a decision as to the course you should take next, Principles of Management is a good choice for business majors. ) PUBLISHERS WEBSITE This book also has a website that is first rate I encourage you to expenditure tout ensemble the stuff and nonsenses that atomic number 18 usable to you especi tout ensembley this website. The student site is located at www. mhhe. com/ub9e PREREQUISITE Working knowledge of the victimization up of figurers, email and the internet. COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1) Complete the orientation quiz and biz game for 5 extra assurance points added to the avg of your mental test hemorrhoid for each. 2) Read the text book chapters.3) Complete the stock project and the Biz Game. 4) learners are highly encouraged to keep up and on schedule. Homework or extra realisation projects may be arcdegreed for extra credit or as a sign of motion (at the discretion of teacher). Each extra credit assignment is worth 5 points on an exam. 5) Students are indispensable to get the help they charter in a timely fashion (do non wait trough the end of the semester). If for some reason, your messages are non returned in a timely manner, it is up to you to follow up and get help. Make sure you include your name, section number and the name of your class in all communications. aroundtimes my schedule is hectic so dont waste time waiting, contact a gain if you dont get the help you need. READING It is important to read the chapters. Also, all the establish uncertaintys practice from the textbook. trialS altogether tests impart be given at the testing perfumes. All of the exams are multiple choice. The student will be allowed to exercise pencils, scantron, and ruled paper. Since this is an introductory course, m any(prenominal) of the exam questions will be definitions. There will also be several theory questions on each exam and not frequently history. My plan is to ask a lot of easy questions about al close to everything.Exams are scored as the parting correct. It is up to the student to check that the grades are posted correctly. Please keep your copy of your test scores as they take on been known to disappear. On some exams short answer or essay questions tycoon be available for extra credit. These are NOT open book exams, and you will NOT be able to use notes for these exams. Late Exams It is extremely rare for a student to be successful in the course once they get behind. To ease your scheduling, I will list the week you should take the test to stay on schedule.If you take an exam after the designate time and date, 2 points may be deducted from your test score for everyday after the exam date that you take it. **TESTING CENTERS The tests may be taken at any of the following ACC testing centers Rio Grande Campus Riverside Campus Eastview Campus Northridge Campus Round Rock CampusCypress Creek Campus bloom Campus Fredericksburg Campus San Marcos High School The testing centers in bold above are able to administer the exams via computer which will automatically give you your grade as well as feedback when the exam is completed.You may use the others but realize that until I stimulate the exam from the testing center, I cannot post your grades. Check with the center you are interested in for their arcminutes and allow 1 1/12 hours to take the exams. You will need a student identificatio n (or fee receipt card) and a picture identification (drivers license whole works great) to take the exams in the testing centers. You can get student identification at the Bursars plaza at any of our main campuses. Extra Credit Completion of the orientation quiz and information tabloid is worth 5 extra credit points to be added to your exam scores.Completion of the Biz Game is some other 5 points. Additional extra credit opportunities are in the assignment section. COURSE GRADE lowest AVERAGE GRADE ASSIGNMENT A 90 100 Percentage correct on exams EXAM 1 17%B 80 89 EXAM 2 17%C 70 79 EXAM 3 17%D 60 69 EXAM 4 17% F Below 60 EXAM 5 17% STOCK PROJECT 15% heart 100. 0% WITHDRAWALS You are responsible for withdrawing by the withdraw date. Failure by you to withdraw from the course or successfully complete the course may result in a grade of F. INCOMPLETES An half(prenominal) (I) grade will besides be given if the student has substantially completed the course with a passing gra de.A student must have completed all exams and assignments to date, be passing, and have passel that prevent course completion that occur after the deadline to withdraw with a grade of W. All work to complete the course must be completed before the end of the following semester for the granting of an eliminate grade. Failure to do so will result in a failing grade for the course. The instructor must be notified before the end of the semester if the students need an incomplete and all work must be made up as soon as possible. unelaborateds are not recommended as students will fell the extra credit for finishing on time and many incompletes are never completed. Also tick off departmental policies below. ACADEMIC PROGRESS A student who is not meeting course objectives may be withdrawn from the course at the discretion of the instructor. It is the students responsibility to consult with instructors and seek encourage services when course objectives cannot be met. The student may ap peal instructor-initiated withdrawals within 10 days. RULE OF 3 NEWPer state law, effective spring 2006 any student taking a class for the trinity time or more may be charged an additional $60 per credit hour unless exempted. Visit the Rule of Three web site for additional information http//www. austincc. edu/admiss/ruleofthree/ Rule of 6 Ws NEW Per state law, students enrolling for the first time in fall 2007 or later at any Texas college or university may not withdraw (receive a W) from more than six courses during their undergraduate college career. Some exceptions for good cause could allow a student to withdraw from a course without having it count toward this limit.Students are encouraged to carefully select courses. CALCULATORS The use of a calculator is strongly encouraged. Use them during exams and when completing readiness. each basic hand-held calculator will do just be sure you know how to use it. A square root function is most helpful. COMMENTS FOR SUCCESS You ar e responsible for all assigned readings and assignments. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with the instructor for assistance whenever needed. Refer to my office hours listed above. If these are not convenient for you, I will be happy to schedule appointments at other times.Many resources are available to help you succeed in this course you need only ask for help. The material bags at a very easy level but quickly gets harder. Remember as the semester progresses, things inevitably get along with up so keeping on pace will make your life much easier. This is a demanding course and everyone must work hard to succeed. Students can significantly improve their chances of success by using the following tips Do not panic Although this is a demanding course, it is a procedural process to learn the material and if you put in the effort you will do fine.There is nobody in this class that is uneffective to learn and fulfill your grade expectations Use the textbook web site comes wit h the course Read all the text chapters carefully Do anything you can to improve your reading skills. You will spend much of your college and maestro career reading and anything you can do to improve your ability is time well spent. If you are not reading straight down the page than you are not reading fast enough after you read the material, take a breath and think how the material might apply to your world If something does not make sense make a note and ask afellow student or your instructor to help you understand the concept.Complete all assignments. ask questions, you are probably not the only one who has that question. If you miss something, be able to explain to yourself or someone else why you missed the answer. once again relate the information to your life. Use the student CD that comes with the book. Ignoring it is to lose a great tool for the course. The most important thing to remember about answering questions is to READ the Questions Carefully. Make sure you underst and what the question is asking. Eliminate extraneous data you might be given Check on the B overleapboard site regularly.Get in a study group if possible. Work together and prepare for exams together. Take utility of the free help available at ACC and contact the instructor if you have any problems Free tutoring is available at all the major campuses The web sight for all our campus tutoring is http//www. austincc. edu/tutor/HELP If you are having any problems contact your instructor right away. Dont sit and spin your wheels. If it is slowing you down I take it seriously. If for some reason you dont hear from me contact me again or contact my assistant. I need to get you back on track Policies for Incompletes, Attendance, and Withdrawal are as followsIncomplete Policy An incomplete (I) will be granted to a student in rare circumstances. Generally, to receive a grade of I, a student must have completed all examinations and assignments to date, be passing, and have personal circumst ances that prevent course completion that occur after the deadline to withdraw with a grade of W. Withdrawal Policy It is the students responsibility to withdraw from a course. Instructors are allowed to withdraw students for non-attendance and lack of academic progress but students must not rely on their instructor to withdraw them if they gaze to withdraw.Austin Community College policies for Academic Freedom, Scholastic Dishonesty, Student Discipline, and Students with Disabilities are as follows Academic Freedom instruction Each student is strongly encouraged to participate. In any classroom situation that includes discussion and life-sustaining thinking, there are bound to be many differing viewpoints. These differences enhance the learning experience and create an aureole where students and instructors alike will be encouraged to think and learn.On sensitive and volatile topics, students may sometimes disagree not only with each other but also with the instructor. It is ex pected that faculty and students will respect the views of others when expressed in classroom discussions. Scholastic Dishonesty Statement Acts prohibited by the College for which make up may be administered include scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside work. Academic work submitted by students shall be the result of their thought, research or self-expression.Academic work is defined as, but not limited to tests, quizzes, whether taken electronically or on paper projects, either individual or group classroom presentations, and homework (Student Handbook). Penalties for scholastic dishonesty will depend upon the nature of the violation and may range from lowering a grade on one assignment to an F in the course and/or expulsion from this institution. Student Discipline Statement Classroom behavior should encourage and enhance learning. Behavior that disrupts the learning process will be dealt with appropriately, which may include having the student leave class for the rest of that day.In serious cases, debauched behavior may lead to a student being withdrawn from the class. ACCs policy on student discipline can be found in the Student Handbook. Students with Disabilities Statement Each ACC campus offers support services for students with documented physical or psychological disabilities. Students with disabilities must request reasonable accommodations through the righteousness for Students with Disabilities on the campus where they expect to take the majority of their classes. Students are encouraged to do this three weeks before the start of the semester.WEEKDue Dates and Chapter Titles CHAPTER ASSIGNMENT 1 Start of course January 17 Introduction to Course and predilection Orientation quiz and information sheet Managing within the Dynamic ancestry Environment Taking Risks and reservation Profits P, 1 2 Week of January 23 How Economics Affects Business The Creation and Distribution of riches Competing in Global Markets 2, 3 3 Week of January 30 Demonstrating Ethical Behavior and Social indebtedness Exam I over Chapters 1,2,3,4 4, Test 4 Week of February 6 Choosing a Form of Business Ownership Entrepreneurship and Starting a Small Business.5, 6 5 Week of February 13 Management, Leadership, and Employee Empowerment Adapting Organizations to straight offs Markets 7,8 6 Week of February 20 Producing World-Class Goods and Services 9 7 Week of ring 5 Exam II over Chapters 5,6,7,8,9 Motivating Employees and Building Self-Managed Teams test,10 8 Week of March 12 SPRING BREAK 9 Week of March 19 Human Resource Management decision and Keeping the Best Employees Dealing with Employee-Management Issues and Relationships 11, 12 *Schedule Might Change. Be sure to check chalkboard for Announcements and changes to schedule.