Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Physician Assisted Suicide Ethically Justified - 2126 Words

Physician Assisted Suicide Introduction, Outline and Reference Tracy Pietrzak Philosophy of Ethics Professor John Schmitz February 2, 2015 Introduction Is physician assisted suicide ethically justified? Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is defined as ending one’s own life by taking a fatal dosage of a substance with the direct or indirect assistance of a physician (, 2015). PAS is a very sensitive and controversial topic that raises many moral and ethical questions. While some feel that a person should be able to die with dignity and under their own terms, others feel that this is not a choice we can ethically make. PAS recently made national headlines when Brittany Maynard, a twenty-nine year old woman diagnosed with stage IV glioblastoma, went public with her plan to end her own life under Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act that was passed in 1997. Maynard legally received a prescription from her physician for a lethal dose of barbiturates and decided to end her life own life instead of suffering the painful death that loomed in her near future. She ended her own life on November, 3, 2014 with her fam ily by her side (Durando, 2014). There are many moral issues that surrounded Maynard’s decision and whether or not PAS is ethical, however it is important to understand both sides of the debate to truly get the entire picture of the complexity of this issue before making the determination if physician-assisted suicide is ethically justified.Show MoreRelated Physician-Assisted Suicide is Morally and Ethically Acceptable1160 Words   |  5 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚   The long time debate over medically assisted suicide, the presence of a doctor at a patient’s suicide, resurfaced again with the conviction of doctor Jack Kevorkian.   Kevorkian was convicted of second degree murder when he euthanized, or administered the injection himself, Thomas Youk on September 17, 1998.   Dr. Kevorkian, an advocate and practitioner of medically assisted suicides, has many opponents on the issue. Opponents say that it is unethical and even with the consent of the patientRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide, When Is It Acceptable?1709 Words   |  7 PagesPhysician-Assisted Suicide, When is it acceptable? Assisted suicide had raised issues of great importance in the society particularly the most controversial of all, the physician assisted suicide in the health care field. Since Oregon and other states implemented the legalization of physician assisted suicide, the debates continues. The U.S. Supreme Court decisions in 1997 and the Pain Relief Promotion Act of 2000 (H.R. 5544) have kept these topics on the policy of the national agenda, along withRead MoreMy Ethical Views on Physician Assisted Suicide Essay1598 Words   |  7 PagesMy Ethical Views on Physician Assisted Suicide Physician assisted suicide is immoral in the case of people who are alive and desire to terminate their life. However, there are extreme cases when hastening the dying process is justified in the circumstances of individuals who are in intense physical impairment. Physician-assisted suicide is defined as the practice where a physician provides a patient with a lethal dose of medication, uponRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide is NOT Ethical Essay1347 Words   |  6 PagesIs physician assisted suicide morally right? This has been a controversial subject for some time now. People are wondering whether or not it is the most humane thing to do. If dogs can be putdown, why not people? The reason is in that question. They are people. Every life is important, no matter how long it may be. Instead of finding a way to get rid of people faster, the government could put those efforts in something more positive. If other people are considering whether or not the patients’ lifeRead MoreThe Suicide Of A Patient Essay970 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The suicide of a patient suffering from an incurable disease, effected by the taking of lethal drugs provided by a doctor for this purpose,† is the dictionary definition of assisted suicide, or assisted death. Much debate has taken place over whether or not this should be a right of the terminally ill, and whether a doctor can grant that wish. Although modern medicine has brought a multitude of benefits to humanity, it cannot relieve the pain and suffering associated with the dying process. Read More Assisted Suicide Essay824 Words   |  4 Pageseuthanasia and assisted suicide. Most people who believe that assisted suicide should be legalized argue that individuals should have control over the timing and manner of their own deaths. Some argue that actively bringing about one’s death is no different legally than refusing the life-sustaining treatment that is offered. Opponents feel that legalizing assisted suicide will cause many problems. Most importantly, they fear that vulnerable individuals may be coerced into suicide as a result ofRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalized For Mentally Competent Adults1340 Words   |  6 PagesErin Presnell Professor Branson English 112 2 May 2015 Physician Assisted Suicide Assisted suicide is a controversial and often misunderstood topic that has recently raised the attention of the nation. Assisted suicide or physician assisted suicide (PAS) is not only an emotionally trying matter but also ethically challenging to some. Those who are against this act believe that it is unethical to end a life before the intended time. Those in favor believe that it is a human right for patients thatRead MoreEuthanasi The Issue Of Euthanasia1675 Words   |  7 Pagespainful disease intended as an act of mercy (, 2016). Euthanasia is closely related to doctor assisted suicide. However, the two acts differ in that, euthanasia means injecting a terminally sick patient with lethal dose of a drug or withdrawing feeding tubes to let the patient die of starvation. Assisted suicide on the other hand refers to the process where a physician avails a lethal drug to the patient. The patient or his/her next of kin usually must consent to the action. By JanuaryRe ad MoreBouvia V. Superior Court1645 Words   |  7 Pagesplaced a nasogastric tube to forcefully provide supplemental nutrition to keep her alive. Ms. Bouvia was very upset about this treatment modality and felt that she had the right to refuse care therefore in 1986 she filed a civil suit against her physician and healthcare team in the Los Angeles Superior Court due to their refusal to honor her wishes. Elizabeth Bouvia v. The Superior Court of Los Angeles County became a pivotal case in a patient’s right to refuse treatment. In the initial case MsRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legal?1635 Words   |  7 Pagesdeaths. We claim to be free people but someone else’s morals and standards could possibly govern the way we die. Medicine today makes it possible for patients who are living with unbearable pain to choose to die peacefully and with dignity. Physician-assisted suicide or active, voluntary euthanasia for an adult who is in a rational state of mind and whose suffering happens to be unbearable despite the strongest medical efforts, is an idea that should to be put into action. Euthanasia ought to be put

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