Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Physician Assisted Suicide Ethically Justified - 2126 Words

Physician Assisted Suicide Introduction, Outline and Reference Tracy Pietrzak Philosophy of Ethics Professor John Schmitz February 2, 2015 Introduction Is physician assisted suicide ethically justified? Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is defined as ending one’s own life by taking a fatal dosage of a substance with the direct or indirect assistance of a physician (, 2015). PAS is a very sensitive and controversial topic that raises many moral and ethical questions. While some feel that a person should be able to die with dignity and under their own terms, others feel that this is not a choice we can ethically make. PAS recently made national headlines when Brittany Maynard, a twenty-nine year old woman diagnosed with stage IV glioblastoma, went public with her plan to end her own life under Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act that was passed in 1997. Maynard legally received a prescription from her physician for a lethal dose of barbiturates and decided to end her life own life instead of suffering the painful death that loomed in her near future. She ended her own life on November, 3, 2014 with her fam ily by her side (Durando, 2014). There are many moral issues that surrounded Maynard’s decision and whether or not PAS is ethical, however it is important to understand both sides of the debate to truly get the entire picture of the complexity of this issue before making the determination if physician-assisted suicide is ethically justified.Show MoreRelated Physician-Assisted Suicide is Morally and Ethically Acceptable1160 Words   |  5 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚   The long time debate over medically assisted suicide, the presence of a doctor at a patient’s suicide, resurfaced again with the conviction of doctor Jack Kevorkian.   Kevorkian was convicted of second degree murder when he euthanized, or administered the injection himself, Thomas Youk on September 17, 1998.   Dr. Kevorkian, an advocate and practitioner of medically assisted suicides, has many opponents on the issue. Opponents say that it is unethical and even with the consent of the patientRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide, When Is It Acceptable?1709 Words   |  7 PagesPhysician-Assisted Suicide, When is it acceptable? Assisted suicide had raised issues of great importance in the society particularly the most controversial of all, the physician assisted suicide in the health care field. Since Oregon and other states implemented the legalization of physician assisted suicide, the debates continues. The U.S. Supreme Court decisions in 1997 and the Pain Relief Promotion Act of 2000 (H.R. 5544) have kept these topics on the policy of the national agenda, along withRead MoreMy Ethical Views on Physician Assisted Suicide Essay1598 Words   |  7 PagesMy Ethical Views on Physician Assisted Suicide Physician assisted suicide is immoral in the case of people who are alive and desire to terminate their life. However, there are extreme cases when hastening the dying process is justified in the circumstances of individuals who are in intense physical impairment. Physician-assisted suicide is defined as the practice where a physician provides a patient with a lethal dose of medication, uponRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide is NOT Ethical Essay1347 Words   |  6 PagesIs physician assisted suicide morally right? This has been a controversial subject for some time now. People are wondering whether or not it is the most humane thing to do. If dogs can be putdown, why not people? The reason is in that question. They are people. Every life is important, no matter how long it may be. Instead of finding a way to get rid of people faster, the government could put those efforts in something more positive. If other people are considering whether or not the patients’ lifeRead MoreThe Suicide Of A Patient Essay970 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The suicide of a patient suffering from an incurable disease, effected by the taking of lethal drugs provided by a doctor for this purpose,† is the dictionary definition of assisted suicide, or assisted death. Much debate has taken place over whether or not this should be a right of the terminally ill, and whether a doctor can grant that wish. Although modern medicine has brought a multitude of benefits to humanity, it cannot relieve the pain and suffering associated with the dying process. Read More Assisted Suicide Essay824 Words   |  4 Pageseuthanasia and assisted suicide. Most people who believe that assisted suicide should be legalized argue that individuals should have control over the timing and manner of their own deaths. Some argue that actively bringing about one’s death is no different legally than refusing the life-sustaining treatment that is offered. Opponents feel that legalizing assisted suicide will cause many problems. Most importantly, they fear that vulnerable individuals may be coerced into suicide as a result ofRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalized For Mentally Competent Adults1340 Words   |  6 PagesErin Presnell Professor Branson English 112 2 May 2015 Physician Assisted Suicide Assisted suicide is a controversial and often misunderstood topic that has recently raised the attention of the nation. Assisted suicide or physician assisted suicide (PAS) is not only an emotionally trying matter but also ethically challenging to some. Those who are against this act believe that it is unethical to end a life before the intended time. Those in favor believe that it is a human right for patients thatRead MoreEuthanasi The Issue Of Euthanasia1675 Words   |  7 Pagespainful disease intended as an act of mercy (, 2016). Euthanasia is closely related to doctor assisted suicide. However, the two acts differ in that, euthanasia means injecting a terminally sick patient with lethal dose of a drug or withdrawing feeding tubes to let the patient die of starvation. Assisted suicide on the other hand refers to the process where a physician avails a lethal drug to the patient. The patient or his/her next of kin usually must consent to the action. By JanuaryRe ad MoreBouvia V. Superior Court1645 Words   |  7 Pagesplaced a nasogastric tube to forcefully provide supplemental nutrition to keep her alive. Ms. Bouvia was very upset about this treatment modality and felt that she had the right to refuse care therefore in 1986 she filed a civil suit against her physician and healthcare team in the Los Angeles Superior Court due to their refusal to honor her wishes. Elizabeth Bouvia v. The Superior Court of Los Angeles County became a pivotal case in a patient’s right to refuse treatment. In the initial case MsRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legal?1635 Words   |  7 Pagesdeaths. We claim to be free people but someone else’s morals and standards could possibly govern the way we die. Medicine today makes it possible for patients who are living with unbearable pain to choose to die peacefully and with dignity. Physician-assisted suicide or active, voluntary euthanasia for an adult who is in a rational state of mind and whose suffering happens to be unbearable despite the strongest medical efforts, is an idea that should to be put into action. Euthanasia ought to be put

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

External Auditing Of Information Security - 1634 Words

External Auditing of Information Security Yue Dai ACC 412 Auditing Belhaven University 8/1/2015 Abstract This paper is meant to be a guide for general readers including IT professionals, external auditors and so on. This research paper has a main focus on the external auditing of information security. It provides a basic understanding of the reasons for external auditing of information security. It is also meant as an aid for auditors to have solutions and Biblical implications and other possible recommendations. A variety of research techniques are used in this passage, such as analysis of files, writing questions, listing examples and making conclusions. In conclusion, It is essential that IT and audit work together in†¦show more content†¦As part of this, external auditors often examine and evaluate internal controls used in managing the risks which could affect the financial accounts, to determine if they are working properly. Information security - Information security is way of protecting information from being stolen or revised. All companies have secret information and they should protect them from other people who might take advantage of them. Once the security got hacked, it can lead companies to serious situations and they may face huge loss. Therefore the information security audit (IS audit) are intended to improve the level of information security to maintain a certain level of security in an organization. Information security audit - An information security audit is an audit of the organization s level of information security.(Wikipedia) It can be seen as a part of an information technology audit when centered on the IT aspects of information security. Information technology (IT) audits assess the controls, accuracy, and integrity of an institution’s electronic data processing and computer areas. Information security audit is often then referred to as an information technology security audit. ITs usually have the duty to protect confidential information. Internal control - The power point slide in the Lecture 4 defines Internal control as: Internal control is broadly defined as a

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Over Voltage and Under Voltage Control Using Relay Essay Sample free essay sample

IntroductionThe protection system is one O the of import facet on which major makers is concentrating. The companies like L A ; T. SIMENS etc. The protection system non merely provides lastingness to the equipment but besides avoid jeopardies. The protection system is one of the major Fieldss in the electrical technology. There are different types of protection systems out of that really common and of import 1 is the electromotive force protection system. Normally all the electrical equipments are specified with a specific electromotive force scope for its safe operation. When of all time those equipments are applied with a electromotive force more so the upper specified limit the system may pull extra current which may do to fire the equipment. The equipment is designed to defy a specific electromotive force when of all time the electromotive force goes beyond the bound value so automatically the insularities used in that equipment acquire punctured and do a harm to the equipment. Similarly whenever the equipment is applied with a electromotive force lower so the lower specified electromotive force it draws extra current to keep the efficiency. The out put may non be proper and the equipment may damage. The complete electromotive force and under electromotive force relay in combination protect the device from fluctuation of electromotive force. This type of relay provides the equipment complete protection against unsought electromotive force status. The complete electromotive force and under electromotive force relay is one of the of import protective relays which is used in the practical application at industries to protect motors transformers and other electronic and electrical equipment and power system. DESIGN PRINCIPLE:The complete electromotive force and under electromotive force relay is designed utilizing possible transformers ( PT ) . There is a PT used to try the line electromotive force and converts into DC value. The DC value obtained at the rectifier and filter out put is correspondent to the AC line electromotive force amplitude. The filter is designed with a clip invariable more so five clip period ( 5T ) . The sampling electromotive force obtained at the rectifier filter out put of the PT alterations after 5T merely. In this mode the sampling electromotive force is made immune to the effects of spiks. The sampled electromotive force is feed to two different comparators holding mention electromotive forces correspondent to the under electromotive force and over electromotive force scene. Whenever the sample electromotive force goes beyond the mention electromotive force set for over electromotive force status so comparator end product goes high and a mistake status is det ected. Similarly whenever the sample electromotive force goes bellow the mention electromotive force set for under electromotive force status in the other comparator the end product goes high and a mistake status is detected. The end products of both the comparators are feed to a logic gate to bespeak the mistake status when of all time any of the comparator issues a mistake determination. The out put of the logic gate is feed to the bistable / latch and so relay driver and doorbell driver to protect the equipment from the mistake status and bespeak the mistake happening by blowing the doorbell. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONa. Power supply Circuit connexion: – In this we are utilizing Transformer ( 0-12 ) v. 1Amp. IC 7812. rectifying tubes In 4007. LED A ; resistances. Here 230V. 50 Hz ac signal is given as input to the primary of the transformer and the secondary of the transformer is given to the span rectification rectifying tube. The o/p of the rectifying tube is given as i/p to the IC regulator ( 7812 ) through capacitance ( 1000mf/35v ) . The o/p of the IC regulator is given to the LED through resistances. Circuit Explanations: – When ac signal is given to the primary of the transformer. due to the magnetic consequence of the spiral magnetic flux is induced in the spiral ( primary ) and reassign to the secondary spiral of the transformer due to the transformer action. † Transformer is an electromechanical inactive device which transformer electrical energy from one spiral to another without altering its frequency† . Here the rectifying tubes are connected in a span manner. The secondary spiral of the transformer is given to the span circuit for rectification intents. During the +ve rhythm of the ac signal the rectifying tubes D2 A ; D4 behavior due to the forward prejudice of the rectifying tubes and rectifying tubes D1 A ; D3 does non carry on due to the reversed prejudice of the rectifying tubes. Similarly during the –ve rhythm of the ac signal the rectifying tubes D1 A ; D3 behavior due to the forward prejudice of the rectifying tubes and the rectifying tubes D2 A ; D4 does non carry on due to reversed prejudice of the rectifying tubes. The end product of the span rectifier is non a power District of Columbia along with crinkled Ac is besides present. To get the better of this consequence. a capacitance is connected to the o/p of the rectifying tubes ( D2 A ; D3 ) . Which removes the unwanted ac signal and therefore a pure District of Columbia is obtained. Here we need a fixed electromotive force. that’s for we are utilizing IC regulators ( 7805 A ; 7812 ) . †Voltage ordinance is a circuit that supplies a changeless e lectromotive force regardless of alterations in burden current. † This IC’s are designed as fixed electromotive force regulators and with equal heat sinking can present end product current in surplus of 1A. The o/p of the span rectifier is given as input to the IC regulator through capacitance with regard to GND and therefore a fixed o/p is obtained. The o/p of the IC regulator ( 7805 A ; 7812 ) is given to the LED for indicant intent through resistance. Due to the forward prejudice of the LED. the LED freshnesss ON province. and the o/p are obtained from the pin no-3. B. Under voltage/over electromotive force sensor In this subdivision our purpose is to observe the line changing electromotive force. The line electromotive force ( 230vac ) coming from the brinies is to be step down that electromotive force with the aid of a measure down transformer. If the line electromotive force varies. the measure down electromotive force besides varies in conformity with the input electromotive force. Due to the common initiation of the transformer. if the primary twist of the transformer electromotive force is more the flux induced is more and the secondary electromotive force is more. Similarly. if the primary twist of the transformer electromotive force is less the flux induced is less and the secondary electromotive force is less. In this manner under/over electromotive force occurs. The above figure shows a half-wave rectifier. in which it will change over Ac to dc electromotive force. We can change the electromotive force with the variable burden opposition ( 10k ) The sample electromotive force can be calibrated by changing the burden opposition RL The of import portion of this design to try the electromotive force accurately as an reproduction of the line electromotive force. The measure down transformer samples the line electromotive force at a decreased signal electromotive force Vac = ( N2/N1 ) *VL The DC electromotive force after the half moving ridge rectifier is about Vm due to the charging of the capacitance. this capacitance electromotive force represents the line electromotive force. The clip invariable of the circuit is defined by C*RL. The clip invariable of the circuit must be more so five times of the clip period of the signal. RC gt ; 5T. If the RC value is less the 5T so the sample electromotive force fluctuates unnecessarily. if the RC value is excessively high the trying response becomes excessively slow. Operation: The end product of the signal sampling electromotive force ( 3v ) goes to the input of both of the comparator. In the first comparator we have set the electromotive force say 3. 5Vto the non-inverting terminus. In this instance non-inverting terminus is greater than the inverting terminus. That means end product of the first comparator is Low. At present under temperature can ( t be done because the room temperature will be ever available If we want ( s to make under temperature. we have to change or alter the set point which is connected to the inverting terminus of that comparator. Similarly. for the 2nd comparator we have set the electromotive force say 4V to the inverting terminus. In this instance inverting terminus is greater than the non-inverting terminus that means end product of the 2nd comparator is HIGH. If the temperature increases. the corresponding electromotive force will increase state 4. 5V. That electromotive force goes to the input of both of the comparator. In the first comparator we have set the electromotive force say 3. 5Vto the non-inverting terminus. In this instance inverting terminus is greater than the non- inverting terminus. That means end product of the first comparator is HIGH this means that over temperature has occurred. Similarly. for the 2nd comparator we have set the electromotive force say 4V to the inverting terminus. In this instance non- inverting terminus is greater than the inverting terminus that means end product of the 2nd comparator is LOW. c. NOR gateOR GateThe OR gate is besides called as â€Å"any or all† gate. The OR gate is the combinable logic circuit which has merely one end product and may hold any figure of inputs. The end product is when any one or more than one of the input is 1 and the end product is 0 merely when all the input is 0. In the above figure. a rectifying tube OR gate is shown. It is clear from this circuit if at A +5v input is applied. it will send on colored transistor diode-1 and the end product electromotive force at C will be +5v i. e. . if input A is 1. the end product C will besides be 1 irrespective of input B. likewise. if input to B is 1. the end product at C will besides be 1. irrespective of input to A. the end product C will be 0 merely when both the rectifying tubes are nonconductive i. e. both input are 0 i. e. A=0 and B=0 NOT GATE Introduction: The application of the transistors is non limited entirely to the elaboration of the signals. Through proper design transistors can be used as switches for computing machines and control applications. The web of figure-01 ( a ) can be employed as an inverter in computing machine logic circuitry. Note that the end product electromotive force Vc is opposite to the applied to the base or input terminus. In add-on note the absence of dc supply connected to the base circuit. The lone District of Columbia beginning is connected to the aggregator or end product side. and for computing machine applications is typically equal to the magnitude of the â€Å"high† side of the applied signal – in this instance 5V. Operation: Proper design for the inversion procedure requires that the operating points switch from cut-off to impregnation along the burden line depicted in above figure ( B ) . For our proposes we will presume that IC = ICEO = 0mA. when IB = 0 µA ( an first-class estimate in visible radiation of bettering building techniques ) . as shown in above figure ( B ) . In add-on. we will presume that VCE = VCE sat = 0V. When Vi = 5v. the transistor will be â€Å"ON† and design must see that the web is to a great extent saturated by a degree of IB greater than that associated if the IB curve looking near the impregnation degree. In the above figure ( B ) . this requires that IB gt ; 50 µA. The impregnation degree for the aggregator current for the circuit is defined by. IC = VCC – VCE / RC= 5V – 0. 2V / 10K= 480 µA The degree of IB in the active part merely before impregnation consequences can be approximated by the undermentioned equation. IB min ? IC sat / ?dc=480 µA / 300=1. 6 µAFor the impregnation degree we must therefore insure that the undermentioned status is satisfied: IB max gt ; IC sat / ?dcFor the web of the above figure ( B ) . when Vi = 5v the ensuing degree of IB is AssumeIB = 100 µA5v – RB IB – 0. 7v = 0RB ( soap ) = 4. 3 / 100 µA = 43k?RB ( min ) = 4. 3 / IB ( soap ) = 1k? Which is satisfied. Surely any degree of IB greater than 16 µA will go through through a Q- point on the burden line that is really near to the perpendicular axis. d. Bistable / LatchIntroductionThe latch is the electronics device which shops the province even if the input is with drawn. So this ca be started as a individual memory unit. The latch can be designed in many ways by utilizing a discreet constituent or reversal or a IC known as 555 timer. The Latch designed utilizing 555 timer IC is rather stable. Ckt Connection: The threshold electromotive force pin-6 of IC555 is connected to land and the trigger pin-2 a pull-up resistance 10k is connected to VCC usually. Whenever the threshold electromotive force is low. the end product of the comparation-1 hellishly. the end product of the flip-flop goes low. And the input of the comparator – 2 internally high than 1/3 Vcc. the end product will stay in ‘LOW’ sate. Whenever a negative border trigger electromotive force will look at the trigger pin-2. internally the end product of the comparator – 2 goes high. the reversal will stay in high province and it will latch that end product. Until we have to reset that IC through reset pin-4 to land. Operation The 555 timer IC contain two comparators at its input. one terminal of the comparator is connected to the 1/3 Vcc and 2/3 Vcc severally. The other two terminus of both the comparator are named as trigger and threshold. The end product of these two comparators are connected to a S-R somersault –flop in which end product toggles when the inputs are dissimilar i. e. 1. 0 or 0. 1. The Bistable design gas two inputs. one as trigger input to alter the province and the other is to reset the end product. The input signal is connected to the trigger pin and the threshold is grounded. It means the end product of the comparator to which 2/3 Vcc is connected and threshold ( land ) is kept at fixed end product. When the trigger pin is issued with an input which is less than 1/3 Vcc so automatically the comparators end product toggles and therefore the somersault floating-point operation end product toggles and the end product of the 555 timer IC is set. The end product remains in the provi nce until unless the reset input is pulled down to land. e. Relay driver In this subdivision we have taken electro magnet relay to command the electrical contraptions we have taken a 12v relay whose opposition is 400? which requires 30mA current to drive or to do it ‘ON’ / ‘OFF’ . The end product of the reversal is given as input to the relay driver ( as we know. the end product of the reversal is a TTL IC which gives a end product current 50 µA. Therefore. we need a driver ckt to drive the relay. The driver is configured as a transistor acts as a switch. Whenever the base electromotive force is high through a base opposition 1. 5 K and the aggregator is connected to the relay spiral. which as a opposition Rc 400? . the transistor comes to saturation status i. e. ‘ON’ province because the emitter current will flux to the aggregator part. which makes the spiral as electro magnet. The relay driver is design by utilizing a BC547 transistor. The relay used here holding the specification as follows ? Coil opposition =400ohm? Coil voltage=12Vdc? Contact capacity=230V. 7AThe above specification indicates that the spiral requires 12V District of Columbia and 200mA current District of Columbia. The TTL can’t supply more so 20 µA current. So driver subdivision is really much required. BC547 has a typical current addition of 200 and maximal current capacity of 1A. So a typical base current of 10 ( A can trip to on the relay. ELECTRO MAGNETIC RELAY These are really much dependable devices and widely used on field. The operating frequence of these devices are minimal 10-20ms. That is 50Hz – 100Hz. The relay which is used here can care 25mA currents continuously. The electromagnetic relay operates on the rule magnetic attraction. When the base electromotive force appears at the relay driver subdivision. the driver transistor will be driver transistor will be driven into impregnation and let to flux current in the spiral of the relay. Which in bend create a magnetic field and the magnetic force produced due to that will move against the spring tenseness and shut the contact spiral. Whenever the base electromotive force is withdrawn the transistor goes to cutoff. So no current flow in the spiral of the relay. Hence the magnetic field disappears so the contact point interruptions automatically due to spring tenseness. Those contact points are isolated from the low electromotive force supply. so a high electromotive force shif t is possible by the aid of electromagnetic relays. The electromagnetic relays usually holding 2 contact points. Named as usually closes ( NC ) . usually unfastened ( NO ) . Normally closed points will so a short CKT way when the relay is away. Normally unfastened points will so a short CKT way when the relay is energized. f. Buzzer driver The doorbell driver consists of a doorbell A ; its driving ckt. It works on the rule of transistor action ( Transistor acts as a switch ) . When the base electromotive force is high. the transistor comes to saturation i. e. in ON status. which drives the doorbell because a little emitter current will flux. Similarly. when the base electromotive force is low. the transistor does non come to saturation i. e. OFF status. which does non drives the doorbell. Future ExpansionThis undertaking is designed with restriction to clip and cost. The complete electromotive force and under electromotive force relay that is designed here can be modified to interface multiple parametric quantities such as temperature and current etc. The interface of micro accountant can do the system more various and smarter. Decision The complete electromotive force and under electromotive force relay that is designed here in the research lab and tested in the research lab status. And found to be runing satisfactory the set points are set at the restricting value and the practical tripping of the relay is within the bounds of experimental mistakes.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thirty Years War Essay Example For Students

Thirty Years War Essay The causes of the Thirty Years War can be traced as far back as the renaissance period. It was during the renaissance that such ideals as secularism, humanism, individualism, rationalism and above all else secularism were first apparent in main stream society. These ideas led to the protestant reformation, which is an even more direct cause of the war. The split of the Catholic Church, as a result of the protestant reformation left Europe in a state of religious turmoil and chaos. The gradual increase in intolerance and religious sectionalism that coincided with the addition of new religions and even more diversity has been marked as the main cause of the Thirty Years War. The effects of the war would prove to be devastating to most of Europe, evidenced by the sharp drop in population, but it was especially devastating to Germany. However, there were some countries and bodies of people that emerged from the conflict improved such as France, Sweden, and the religion of Calvinism. Ther e were many territorial and dynastic issues that figured in the outbreak and conduct of the war as well, but it is believed that these factors did not become important until the middle stages of the war. The territorial and dynastic causes, which go hand in hand, did however, cause the war to continue longer than it most likely would have if religion had been the only motive. The extent of religious motives therefor is debated, but cannot be dismissed. The immediate causes of the war began with the resistance and eventual revolt of Protestant nobles in Bohemia, due to the religious intolerance mentioned before, which was under Hapsburg domination, against the Catholic king Ferdinand. The reasons and causes for its spread throughout Europe include the constitutional frailty of the Holy Roman Empire, the inability of the German states to act in concert, and the ambitions of other European powers. These were the causes that would eventually be responsible for the war lasting as long as it did. We will write a custom essay on Thirty Years War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The political motives became more and more prevalent when Sweden entered the war to help the Protestant cause. Sweden did not enter the war for religious reasons at all; they were looking to gain land. Finally it seemed that religion was completely forgotten and abandoned as a cause when Catholic France and Protestant Sweden joined forces against the Catholic Hapsburgs. France was worried that the Hapsburgs were becoming too powerful so they decided to assert their influence into the war. The results and effects of the war and the two peace treaties were highly significant. France replaced Spain as the greatest power in Europe. With Sweden, France had blocked the Habsburg efforts to strengthen their authority in the Empire. At Westphalia, the right of the individual states within the Empire to make war and conclude alliances was recognized. In theory as well as in fact, the most important of these states became virtually autonomous, and German unity was postponed for more than two centuries. The Empire was further dismembered by the recognition of the independence of Switzerland and the seven northern provinces of the Netherlands. Two new powers emerged in northern Germany. France received most of Alsace by the Treaty of Westphalia, and by the Treaty of Pyrenees parts of Flanders and Artois in the Spanish Netherlands and lands in the Pyrenees. The religious settlement at Westphalia confirmed the predominance of Catholicism in southern Germany and of Protestantism in northern Germany. The principle accepted by the Peace of Augsburg of 1555 that Catholic and Lutheran princes could determine the religion practiced in their territory was maintained, and this privilege was extended to include the Calvinists as well. .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .postImageUrl , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:hover , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:visited , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:active { border:0!important; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:active , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Biotechnology EssayThe Austrian Habsburgs had failed in their efforts to increase their authority in the Empire and to eradicate Protestantism, but they emerged from the war stronger than before. In Bohemia, they had stamped out Protestantism, broken the power of the old nobility, and declared the crown hereditary in the male line of their family. With Bohemia now firmly in their grasp and with their large group of adjoining territories, they were ready to expand to the east in the Balkans, to the south in Italy, or to interfere once more in the