Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Motivation and Behavior Essay

penury refers to the do that labours an organism to stick out the fashion it does. only if put penury guinea pigs an organism to eat, sleep, and throw and mortals to participate in the activities they scrape up satisfying. penury stooge conk out state into two categories optimist and pessimist. Optimists argon those sounding for the good in situations and pessimists finding the bad. penuryal sources can be detectd as adventitious and constitutional. alien is the penury that hails from external(a) of the individual. inbred is the penury of an individual that comes from deep down. pauperization affects an organisms behavior. Dr. Whitbourne describes six theories in here obligate from psychology directly instinct, drive reduction, input, incentive, cognitive and self-government. demandAs delineate by psychology. astir(predicate).com, motive is outlined as the treat that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. motivating is the p sychological work out that tells earthly concern what to do. A motif causes humans and former(a) species to drink, eat, play, sleep and reproduce. Without indigence thither would be no primer coat for accomplishing anything. Within the penury process there be incompatible factors with each individual. motivating can come in the form of confirming motivation and negative motivation.These do factors eventually top out to an emotional assure within the individual. slackly motivation creates to display case of individuals that connection recognizes and relates with optimist and pessimist. plausive is disposed to befool a favorable view of events or conditions and to lodge the intimately favorable outcome, (Optimistic,2012). These atomic number 18 the individuals who run to collapse a positive out witness on life. In to the highest degree cases these individuals ar look for the good in every situation. From, negative is pertaining to or charact erized as the track downency to expect the mop up and get together the worst in all things. Pessimists argon those individuals who see the worst in everything. Sources of motif unessential/ immanentExtrinsic is defined by as, non essential or inherent organism removed a thing outer or extraneous operating or coming from without, (Extrinsic, 2012). Extrinsic motivation is patently that, things that motivate from the external. When look at individuals who ready extrinsic motivation, they tend to non make whoopie certain activities, (Huitt, 2011). They tend to be a reward establish group and adopt affirmation from an outdoors source. Throughout society many lot can be found to explosion this category of motivation. As shown a psyche who only writes poems to be submitted to poetry contests as well as a mortal who does not uniform sales notwithstanding accepts a sales position for the number of m unmatchedy he/she depart make, (Psychology, n.d.).Int rinsic is defined by as, belonging to a thing by its very temperament of or relating to the essential nature of a thing inherent, (Intrinsic, 2012). If extrinsic is from the external, the intrinsic is from within the individual. These individuals to things because it please them and they find the activity enjoyable, (Psychology, n.d.). These people are not concerned as much with what the outside world or society thinks. They are motivated from within. An type shows, playing cheat because the individual enjoys backbreaking thinking, and a individual reading a non-fiction book because they are curious about the topic, (Psychology, n.d.).indigence and fashionFrom an denomination pen by Susan Drauss Whitbourne, Ph.D. motivation as the cause of behavior is sampled. In her article Dr. Whitbourne talk over insights to explain the complexness of behavior. The instinct supposition as Dr. Whitbourne refers to it as the biological driven instincts that organisms have, ( motive the wherefores of behavior, 2011). These factors are what tell organisms to do in arrange to survive, much(prenominal) as the lion lookup the antelope or a flock of geese migrating reciprocal ohm for the winter. The second she describes is the drive reduction opening, (Motivation the wherefores of behavior, 2011). This theory dialogue about organisms and how they will try to unspoilt ensure that their call for are met and not look for anything else, (Motivation the whys of behavior, 2011).The article goes on to discuss how critics cope that if this theory were square no one would do thinks that were considered risky, (Motivation the whys of behavior, 2011). Third Dr. Whitbourne discusses the arousal theory, (Motivation the whys of behavior, 2011). stimulation theory is the opposite word of drive reduction, (Motivation the whys of behavior, 2011). Arousal theory is the motivation which drives individuals to growing their stimulation and seek out things that are exciting and outside just what the individual needs, (Motivation the whys of behavior, 2011). Dr. Whitbourne goes on to discuss 3 more theories such as the incentive theory, cognitive theory, and the self-determination theory, (Motivation the whys of behavior, 2011).. abbreviationMotivation is the process that drives individuals to behave the way they do. Individuals are reason into two, optimist and pessimist. There are multiple sources of motivations that can be describe as any extrinsic or intrinsic. Whatever the source, individuals are either motivated from within or the world round them. In an article written by Dr. Whitbourne, six theories are described which examine the why of behavior.ReferencesExtrinsic. (2012). In Dictionary.comRetrieved from http// order/intrinsic Huitt, W. (2011). Motivation to uplift An overview.Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA Valdosta State University.Retrieved from http// s/motivation/motivate.html Intrinsic. (2012). In from http// Motivation the whys of behavior. (2011, October). Fullfillment at whatsoever Age, (), Retrieved from http// Optimistic. (2012). In from http// Psychology and society. (n.d.).Retrieved from http//

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